Chapter 1: Welcome, Perri

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Paris, France. 

I clinged onto my laptop and bag as I walked up to the famous Opera Populaire. "Well, jeez Louise!" I say in a breathless tone. It seems like it was only a few minutes ago that I was back home, reading comments on my latest update. 

*Hello everyone! To all of you creepy crawlers, I need some help! My next story needs to come up soon, but I want some ideas from you all. What Mystery should I debunk next? I want to travel to a different country this time, I need to take a break from the fifty States here! Any European stories?*

That was my latest update from three weeks ago. I always ask questions like this because I love feedback from my readers. I got at least one million comments, and the moajority of them were *Phantom of The Opera.* Ah, the famous love story, I thought. I wasn't one for love stories, but that is a classic, and a true mystery. I thought about this right away. Paris wouldn't hurt, nor such a chilling story. This is exactly what my blog is missing! A true and chilling love story, especially one that can be debunked! 

I updated one last time on my blog of the new idea. I usually put in the time they can expect the story, but since this one was out of the country, I wrote to just wait and see. What's great about having a world wide famous blog is the versability. I am not limited to a story every week, I write one every month. But that's because I debunk urban legends and mysteries. I then write a story about my adventure on my blog/website, I know, it's corny, but that's what I get for my last name Mistero, which is Mystery in Italian. I have gotten much public attention, I am even interviewed, I have a book coming out, and I have been a guest star on countless mystery shows. I guess you could say the blogging life is for me. I guess I also have a great business that rewards my greatly finacially, and   happily. Not many twenty-one year olds can say that. Eagerness and success has always been in my blood. 

Oh, yeah, back to reality. I stare on at the beautiful building before me. Like I said earlier, I can't believe I am finally here! Suddenly, a woman appeared from the open doorway. "Welcome, Ms. Mistero. We have been expecting you." She said with a heavy French accent. She was no older than fifty, with light butterscotch hair tied up in a strict bun. She had an elegant black skirt all the way down at her knees, with a crisp, white button down shirt. She had warm inviting eyes, she was very pretty. "Thank you, ma'am." I say, starting to walk towards her. She scans me up and down and then smiles. She is probably happy I didn't dress like a slob. I always dress to impress. I especially wanted to wear something nice for an Opera house, so I chose some nice black dress skirt that reached to my  knees, paired with some black high heels, and a purple button down shirt with a few buttons up top undone. Oh, and I can never forget my lucky blue peacoat! I wear whenever I solve mysteries. I guess we were twins, besides the coat.

   I started taking some quick notes on my note pad. "Excuse my writing." I said sweetly to the woman as I reached her. "No problem at all, Mrs. Mistero. I am Mrs. Pamella Chagney." She said leading me inside. "Oh, just 'Miss', no one special yet." I said with a slight chuckle. "Oh, pardon my assumption. I just figured with all of your fame you would be married." She said looking a little pointed. And I thought things were going so well. "No, sadly. Fame doesn't promise a diamond ring on your finger." I replied, still trying to be upbeat. She turned around and we finally went in. 

"This place is spectacular!" I announced. I was amazed with the old architecture! So much beauty to be in one building was amazing. I couldn't believe it. The marble staircase was calling for me to ascend it, beckoning me to explore each room. To find the Phantom. 

"Thank you." Replied Mrs. Chagney, seemingly happy with my exclamation. I am going to need som answers from her. "So, Mrs. Chagney, I would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind?" I asked after writing down some notes on my note pad. I pulled out my voice recorder when she nodded her approval, I then hit record. 

"Tell me about the Opera Ghost, or The Phantom of The Opera!" I told her, excited to get started. "The Opera Ghost has been around for many years, but it started when he was a living man, not a ghost. You see, the Opera Ghost was man who loved the Opera and wanted to stay here forever. He was also disfigured, so he thought he could stay here and out of the sight of others. He played tricks on the staff all the time, but he wasn't pesky. He actually was a genius and sent us many plays he had written." She wrapped up quickly. "Okay, now what was the love story to this mysterious ghost?" She nodded her head and began to answer. "A new Prima Donna came up and upstaged the old Prima Donna. Her name was Christine Daae, and she had incredible talent. As soon as the Ghost heard her sing, he was in love with her. I am pretty sure you know the rest, correct Miss Mistero?" She then asked me, it seemed as if she didn't want to finish. "Yes, I do. I just wanted your version. Thank you for the answers, Mrs. Chagney. Do you mind telling me when he died, and if you think he is still here?" I asked, I need to know if there is something I need to solve still or not. "Ah, I was wondering when we will get to that. No one knows his death date, but I think I will let him tell you." She answered back, smiling quite strangely. I am not gonna lie, I got freaked out. But, I have handled worse than a dead Romeo. 

"I will show you around to take pictures. I will ten take you to your room." She told me. I nodded and said thank you. Here I come to explore the Opera! We walked towards the marble staircase as I hold up my camera. I aim the lens to the top right of the top floor, I see something black pass by. Shocked, I take a picture out of reflex. I pull the camera down from my face to look at Mrs. Chagney, she is already at the top of the stairs. 

Her face is as pale as fresh snow. I climb up the stairs towards her, "What's wrong" I asked, but as soon as I did, she began to hand me something. I finally reached her to take what she held out. How odd, it was a letter. She didn't have it a minute ago. I look at the back of it and notice a skull pressed into the burgundy wax seal. I gasp, and look up at her. I can't believe it, this is either real or a huge setup. But something in her eyes told me this wasn't a game, and I swear it better not be like a Scooby Doo show. "I told you he would let you know." She whispered faintly, face stark white, her voice cracking slightly. I can feel my face turn pale as well.

The Perri Mistero Series: Black Roses FallWhere stories live. Discover now