Dude, I Hit You With My Car!

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There is always one house, on almost every street, that no one wants to go to.  

I remember when I was small, it was house number 1402. A creepy woman named Ms. Chester lived there, she had no teeth, and ten cats. Ten very mean cats, which she let go outside and the beasts would hiss every time I passed the house. Ms. Chester had a scratchy voice that she used to yell at me whenever I "upset" her babies; dumb cats. After a while I would go out of my way just so that I wouldn't pass her house. 

When I was sixteen, she moved away. Well, she died and someone moved her stuff away. I am not even a little bit sad to say that I was relieved. Don't judge! The woman had to have been over a hundred years old, and I swear she was evil!  

House number 1402 stayed empty until my seventeenth birthday. I went to school that morning and the house was still vacant, but by the time I got home it was filling up with boxes quickly. Since Ms. Chester didn't live there any longer, I walked by it every day on my way to and from school. Even though it made me feel weird, I felt like I needed to keep my eye on it. As long as it was empty, that is. 

The new family that moved in was weird as hell. There was always yelling and crying, it sounded like a constant war zone. I never met the people who lived there, not because I didn't want to, but because they never came outside. The only way we knew they were still there was by the yelling. Eventually someone called the police, and then more called the police, and then they moved.  

As soon as I graduated high school, I went to a small university one city over. I wanted to be a Nurse, and they had better accommodations than the Community College in our city. When I left, the place was still empty, but when I came back it was once again occupied.  

I decided immediately to stay away from that house. No one normal had ever lived in it, and I didn't think now would be any different. 

I didn't want to come back, I was a newly 21 years old and still had a year of school left, but I was needed. My grandmother had become seriously ill and my mother wanted to go care for her; in Texas. Texas was 18 hours away from our home in West Virginia. My mother said it was some sort of infection and that she may have to be with grandma for a while.  

So, she asked me to come home and take care of my 16 year old sister. I said yes, I hardly ever denied my mother anything she wanted. That woman was like my best friend, and I guess I didn't really mind my sister.  

I joke, I mind her a lot, because she is rude. Well, she was rude when I left and made no attempt to contact me while I was gone, so I figured she was still a punk ass.  

I had only been back for one day, my mother hadn't even left yet, and I was already screwing up.  

See, I am already a Registered Nurse, or RN, and I wanted to find an easy part time job to keep me busy while I wasn't working on school stuff. It turned out that I could do my last year towards my Bachelor's degree online, go figure. I knew I would be far too bored and broke, so I went job searching. Actually, I wanted to go job searching, but what I ended up doing was hitting some guy on a motorcycle with my car. He seriously came flying out of nowhere, thank God I was still on my street and going slow. Even with my slow speed, the impact sent the guy flying off his bike.  

"Oh my god!" I screamed as I jumped out of my car. I ran over to the guy quickly and fell to my knees next to him. "Are you ok?" I asked, reaching for his helmet.  

The dude moved with frickin ninja speed as he pushed my hands away from him and jumped up.  

I didn't move, I stayed on the road staring up at him like he was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. People don't move that fast, especially after someone whacked them with a car. "So, I'm gonna go with yes, yes you are ok." I finally spoke.  

The helmeted man, clad in a leather jacket, dark wash jeans, and huge black boots just nodded.  

"Ok," I sighed and pushed myself up from the road, "I suppose we should call the police." I brushed off my butt as I started to make my way back to my car, where my cell phone was.  

"No!" The man yelled. It was muffled by his helmet, but I still heard it.  

"Dude, I just hit you with my car, you could be injured." I rationalized. I didn't want to just throw it out there that I was a nurse, I didn't want him to think I would just look him over. He needed x-rays, and possible medication. Plus I was still in school and I had never actually worked as a nurse.  

"I'm fine," He yelled again.  

"Ya know," I said tapping my chin, "If ya took the helmet off, this would be less awkward." 

He shook his head. 

"Alright awkward it is then. Can I take you to the hospital?" 

"No (Muffled speech that I couldn't understand due to stupid helmet) Fine (more muffled speech) Bye." The he walked over to his bike, lifted it upright with one hand, and then pushed it down the street.  

I watched him push his bike halfway down the street and then turn into the driveway of house number 1402. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" I mumbled to myself, "Of course the super awkward man lives there."  

I turned around and walked the short distance to my car, stopping when I saw the huge dent in my hood. Standing there, staring at the damage, I couldn't figure out how the hell that guy got up and walked away. If that dude thought I was just going to leave it at that, he was dumb. I knew where he lived and I would be paying him a visit.  

I couldn't have the death of someone on my hands.

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