Chapter Five - Lunch Time

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Live Love 1D

Chapter Five


Hey everyone :)

Chapter five!! How exciting :)

I hope you like this chapter because it took forever to write! I'm sorry it wasn't uploaded last night, I had finished writing it but wattpad wasn't working so I couldn't update. Don't hate me.......

I finally worked out where I wanted this story to go and so update should be more frequent because I actually know what I am going to write :)

I probably won't be ale to update until Sunday evening, Australian time, because I have drama classes and debating tomorrow night, then netball all day Saturday and work Saturday night, and then work on Sunday. So I have a really busy weekend coming up but I should be able to update on Sunday night, depending on how tired I am :)

Also Krissy and I have recieved quite a muber of people who have asked us to read their stories. We are more than happy to follow you, read your story and review it but we do also expect the same from you. We are busy and so it takes us a while to read through your stories, vote, comment, fan etc. I think it is assumed that you would do that for our story too. In saying this please continue to ask us to read your stories because they are all so fantastic and unique :) 

So until next time, Krissy and I both love you and will talk to you all soon :)

P.s. Look on the sidebar for the external link because there is an amazing story there to read. Anyone who checks it out, fans, comments or votes just post on Krissy and I's wall and we will check out your story! The girl who wrote it is amazing and she is also who Madeleine my story is based off! So go and check it out and remember FAN, COMMENT AND VOTE!!

I love you and and will talk to you again soon :)


Rosey xx



Once Niall and I reached the lobby we met up with the rest of the band. I was beyond nervous, spending my lunch break with One Direction was certainly not something I ever could have expected to be doing in London. My palms were sweaty and my legs were shaking, all because of a boy. I was whipped beyond belief. Who knew a boy from a silly boy band could make me feel this way!

I didn’t know if I was ready for a relationship though. I was still recovering from what happened with Trent, and I hadn’t even broken up with him yet. If Niall and I were to get into a relationship together, we would have to take it very slowly.

“So where are we going?” I asked

“Anywhere you want sweetheart” Liam replied

I smiled “Haha thanks Liam, the only problem is that I just moved here”

“Okay well how about we just walk around until we find somewhere nice to have lunch?”

“Sounds like a plan”

We walked around to the main central area of London, looking for somewhere nice to eat. As we were walking I was having a lovely conversation with Liam and every now and then I felt Niall’s hand brush against mine. My cheeks would always flush red whenever anyone even mentioned Niall; I was falling for that boy and fast.

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