Hold Me Closely

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Some people say, “Don’t go in there,” Or “It’s dangerous in there”. Well, I knew it was, but that didn’t stop me. I’m a werewolf, well almost. The change from human to wolf is triggered by emotions and age. Around 17, that’s when the wolf part of you wants to get out the most. Being that I’m 16 and my parents won’t stop saying how it’s the “Most Emotional time  of your life,” it does get a little crazy. I know that the only thing that makes me ‘Emotional’ is when they don’t keep their mouth shut about it. it’s like knowing something and then them telling you something different. It just makes you angrier.

            So about this dangerous place. It was a forest. I stood at the foot of it, staring in with Michael, my best friend ever, and Victor, or as we called him, Vic. They both already changed to their werewolf side and told me it hurt like hell. Michael won’t stop saying how because I’m not a wolf, I’m too chicken to go in the forest. I wasn’t. It was the thought that dad, the beta of the pack, would most likely ground me for the rest of my life.

            I’ve asked him about 500 times, maybe 501. Everytime I do, he get’s angry and yells at me. He starts to accuse me that I might have gone in that I don’t need to know what is in there. When I would complain and yell back at him, he would calm down a bit and tell me that, because I was his daughter, people don’t like me. The people in other packs are always looking for new land and alpha would not kill any of his pack. If someone took me or threatened to kill me or anyone else, he will do everything in his power to save me or them.

            “Go on, do it then! Or are you a chicken?” Michael laughed. I sneered at him.

            “Shut up Mike! How about you do it then!” I yelled.

            “Because I already have. I don’t need to prove myself again. Besides, you’re the one who has to prove yourself. C’mon, just admit you’re too chicken to do it and we’ll go.”

“No, I’m going to do it!” I yelled. Victor stepped forward.

“Get on my back when I turn then. We’ll all go in together.” He sighed. He was the smart one out of all of us. He knew better and knew that I would be too afraid to go alone. He knew Mike never went in before. Plus, he was the biggest wolf, best fighter, and had the best senses out of all of us.

“Fine.” I groaned. He turned wolf and I slowly approached him, careful not to set off the wolf side of him. He nodded when I put my hands on his back and jumped on.

“He says hold on tight.” Michael said before turning himself.

I leaned down on him wrapping my arms almost around his big neck. Michael followed behind as Vic led us in. I was really nervous and with each step I started to shake a little. Vic felt it for sure but he didn’t say anything, not that I could understand him. He just continued to walk.

About half way into the forest, his feet started to falter. He was just as nervous as we were by now. The ground was damp and moist. It was dark so you couldn’t see much around you. It was dead silent.

Vic finally stopped about a half hour into the forest. Mike came right up next to us. They were talking through the mind but I couldn’t hear it. I wouldn’t until I had my change. Mike growled once at Vic. I guess Mike didn’t want to leave yet. Vic growled back, more powerful and stronger than Mike had. Mike finally tipped his head down, giving in and agreeing to whatever Vic had wanted.

Suddenly, growls were everywhere. None of them belonged to Mike or Vic. Wolves appeared all around us, circling us in. Mike and Vic turned around looking at all them and growling back. One stepped forward and Vic stepped back with me. Mike turned human and looked at me with sorrowfull eyes.

“It’s another pack, a more dangerous one. I’m sorry.” He said. Dad was right, I shouldn’t have come in here. Now I was regreting it. “Vic says for you to get off.” I slowly slid off of him and Mike caught me. He leaned into my ear. “When Vic and I start to attack, you run as fast as you can. Don’t you dare stop or look back. Jut keep running. No matter what, ok? When you get home, tell your dad everything that happened. Tell him to call Alpha. He won’t respond to us for some reason. Don’t worry about us. They can’t do much harm to us.”

Tears appeared in my eyes and I felt them fall.

“No, I can’t leave you guys!” I cried.

“They want you not us. We are omegas. If they catch you, they’ll do their best they can to kill you. We are just wolves in their way, Kally!”  he whispered again.

I shook my head. I knew I had to go. They would be ok, wouldn’t they? I nodded slowly after.

“Good luck then, just know, you were always like a sister to me. I love you, ok?” he said. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. He slowly hugged me back looking around at the wolves. Vic growled, getting our attention.

“I love you too, both of you ok. You better come back!” I said. Vic nodded and Mike shifted back to wolf. 

They were first to make the move. The one in charge jumped at Vic and Vic dodge him and grabbed at him. The others moved forward. Mike nudged me towards an opening in the circle. I ran for it. I didn’t look back. I just kept running. More growls came louder and closer. My feet started to slightly trip on things that weren’t there, showing how scared I was. I looked back to see three running and advancing way to quickly for my pace. That’s when one of them lundged at me. He caught my leg and I fell to the floor, screaming in pain as his teeth ripped through my flesh. This was it. I’d die here. I couldn’t think of anything else. No one poped into my head like you see in the movies. I didn’t wish I could say goodbye to anyone. My mind was just blank.

I turned and kicked the wolf in his face with my free foot and he released. It wasn’t quick enough though because as soon as I was up, another wolf was there and wrapping his mouth around my waist. I screamed out again, this time louder. It hurt so much. It was like a million teeth biting you and they kept moving just to make it hurt more.

The wolf swung his head down and caused me to be slammed against the dirt. My head hit the ground hard and I could feel myself slipping. I grew tired very fast and my eyes got heavy. The wolf let go and went to grab my neck and put me out of my misery before another wolf jumped forward, tackling him to the side.

Mike, it was mike. He was here somehow. I pushed myself up, barely able to stand and stumbled forward before landing hard on my stomach. Another wolf had jumped on me from behind.

“Mike, I’m sorry.” I whispered. His head turned and looked at me. I knew he didn’t want me to give up. “I love you, Mike.” I said. The wolf grabbed my shoulder in his mouth and picked me up. I watched Mike flip over the other wolf and bite his neck, killing him. Mike turned to us and ran at us, tackling the one that had my shoulder in his mouth. I felt him rip my shoulder up and I fell on my back. The air was knocked out of me and I closed me eyes. The last wolf here moved to me, I could feel his steps against the ground. I didn’t want to be awake for this. It was hurt so bad. I let myself drift off.

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