Chapter 12 Part 2

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We reached town and he set me down. I leaned against him for support.

My eyes widened as a bunch of wolves came full speed at us. I gripped onto Tyler's arm, afraid they were going to hurt us. Watching more as Tyler moved away from me, leaving me standing there alone, the wolves turned human and wrapped their arms around me. Addison and Maranda wouldn't let go of me. Julia wouldn't let go of me either. As soon as they did, i saw the boys standing there. Connor moved forward and gave me a real hug and held my shoulders pulling back.

"Damn, bro! Already marked her!" He laughed. I punched his arm before Jakub came and gave me a hug.

"Good to have you back, Kally." He smiled.

"Where's Dylan?" I asked. Everyone was quiet. I looked at Addison and saw her looking down, sadly. My eyes darted to Tyler. "Where is he, Tyler!" I yelled.

Tyler didn't respond

"Damn, Alpha, freak out much!" I heard behind me. I jumped around and saw Dylan standing there, arms crossed, grinning at me. I ran to him, and tackle hugged him to the ground.

"You're a fucking ass hole! I told you to go on without me no matter what!" I screamed, punched his shoulder hard.

"Jeez, gimme a break! I wanted to help you!" He yelled.

"Well you shouldn't have... but thanks!" I gave him a hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you to, Kally." He said giving me the hug back.

Both of us stood and looked at the mansion. All of Justin's pack was sitting, wrists tied, knees on the ground. They looked sad and most looked down.

"What do we do with them?" I whispered, moving to Tyler.

"I will offer them to come to my pack."

"Your pack?"

"Dad has stepped down. He said after this fight, he was done. Too much action for him. He wants to settle down with mom. So, we're the new alphas." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"So they can be in our pack or what?"

"They can go to another pack if they so wish."

I looked at the faces and saw JJ sitting, staring at me. One of our wolves, slapped his head down, yelling at him for staring at us. I jogged over to our wolf.

"Apologize now." I yelled to him.

"Alpha, he was watching you guys..."

"Apologize!" I yelled.

"I am sorry, sir."

"It's quite alright." JJ said, smiling to me.

"Who's this?" Tyler said, putting his arm around my waist again.

"This is JJ, he saved my life multiple times here."

"Then JJ, I am in your debt. Untie him!" Tyler yelled. As soon as he was untied, they shook hands and JJ looked around at his pack. "What ever you need, just ask."

"Umm, well, i was wondering if my boys and I could possible join your pack. I understand you have to trust us all and that will take a lot but we really have nowhere else to go..." He gestured to the 10 boys who looked late teen years, kneeling around us.

"JJ, i already trust you guys. I trust you and if you trust them, that is good enough with me. Now, you might be fighting with Connor, Dylan, and Jakub about who has more trust but I think you can handle them. They've been looking for a good fun fight."

"It would be our pleasure."

"Anything else we can do for you?"

"Well, the school was trashed last time i checked, maybe fix it up? As a place for all of us to stay maybe?"

"That was my original intention but you may help us. My dad called other packs to help get her back and they are more than willing to help fix the school up. For living quarters, you are all welcome to stay at the pack guest house. It's next to our house and can fit plenty. All of you are welcome. If you wish to stay, please, be at the guest house by 7 tonight. They will take your name and give you room assignments at the door. Guys, untie them now, please."

The other packs wolves untied everyone and someone immediately was hugging me. I looked down to see Anna smiling at me.

"Alpha's, can we please talk to you in private for a moment?" JJ said looking at Anna.

We moved off by the forest and Dylan walked over. JJ looked at him questioningly but waved it off when Tyler didn't speak up.

"Justin's dead, we know. However, his father is not. He Disappeared during the battle. We are afraid he is going to build up a pack and attack."

"We have twice the size of whatever he comes up with and are always prepared. You do not have to fear him anymore. We have gone through much worse than him before."

"I also wanted to say sorry to you, Alpha Kally."


"The night you were attacked, at your home forest, i was there. I was in the group. I did not kill anyone but i did bite you and i am deeply sorry for that. I was ordered by alpha and as you know, i have to follow it. I am DEEPLY sorry." He bowed his head.

"JJ, thank you for telling me. As much as i would like to forget that night, I never will. I lost my best friend there and if it weren't for you being the person you are, i could've been lost too. Thank you for your honesty." I nodded to him.

"Let's get you home now, before you pass out here," Tyler whispered into my ear, lifting me off the floor again. As we began to walk, the sleepiness got heavier. I resisted closing my eyes. I didn't want anything to happen that i would miss. I didn't want Tyler to leave. "Don't worry, i got you and i'll never let go. I love you and nothing will take you away from me again!" He squeezed me into him.

"I swear, you really can't hold me any closer, can you?" I smiled looking up to him. Just keep holding me closely, i thought, forgetting once again that he could hear my thoughts.

"Go to sleep. I've got you now." Tyler whispered before i closed my eyes and drifted off into the most perfect sleep I have had in weeks.

The End

Ok thanks to everyone who read and gave me input. I know it took awhile to write the whole thing out and you had to be extremly patient with me =) sorry bout that! 

Thanks for reading!



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