Chapter 3

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It was an understatement to say the school was big. It had to be about 5 stories tall and bigger than the white house. Maybe someone could compaire it to a hotel, but it has to be a big one! It was old and made of red bricks. The windows was huge. The doors were even bigger. Maybe this place was built for giants! That’s it! it has to be!

“Hello? Anyone in there?” Tyler knocked on my head.

“WHAT!” I yelled at him before I knew what I was saying. My hands quickly reached up to my mouth covering them with wide eyes. He raised his eye brow inquiring about my outburst and grinned. “Sorry. DIdn’t mean to. I didn’t notice it was you!” I smiled.

“It’s alright. C’mon, I’ll show you to your room.” He smiled taking my hand. We started to walk down the sidewalk that led to the side of the huge building. The dorm’s must be on this side…The doors each had a key slide to it and weren’t as big as the other doors. “I’ll bring you to the office once you see the room. There are some things you should know. All the people that dorm with us, they are the wolves or will be soon. The humans are put on the other side of the school in case we shift, that way they don’t see. I don’t want you to walk around here by yourself at all.” He held the door open for me and I paused walking half way in.


“I’m not the only Alpha here. There is another Alpha that lives here with us. He is very powerful. Not powerfull enough to control me but he will have some control over you even if you are not in his pack.” He motioned me in. “it’s important you know, he is not a friend of ours. He will not hesitate to hurt you, if alone or provoked.” We started to walk up the stairs.

“How are the dorms? Like how are they set up?”

“There are 3 guys and 3 girls in each. There are two rooms for girls and two rooms for guys. the door’s each connect to the living space. Its kind of like a hotel and loby. The living space has thekitchen in it and the TV an couch in it. Even though there is Breakfast and Dinner served in the main hall, they give us a kitchen so we can make our own stuff.”

“This place isn’t so bad after all then I guess…” I smiled. We stopped on level five and walked down the hall.

“To the right and then are door is on the left.” He said handing me a key. I felt like a little kid. Once I had the key in hand I skipped down to the end of the hall and stopped. I turned around and pointed right and watched him nod and continue walking. I turned and froze when I saw a guy in front of me. He had short buzz cut brown hair with gray eyes as well. Alpha. My head kept shouting to me.

“And who might this little thing be?” he spoke smiling. His canine teeth showed and I saw how sharp they really were. His alpha prensece was very strong just like Tyler had told me about. So much for not staying with someone. “I asked what your name was.” His voice came out stronger and meaner like he would turn on me at any second.

“K-Kally.” I stuttered.

“You’re new here, correct?” he said.

I nodded.

“Well you don’t seem to have changed yet which means you have no mate to protect you—”

Tyler came around the corner. He saw the alpha talking to me and getting closer. He moved forward, grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him. I hissed in pain from my shoulder. He really needed to stop doing that.

“What do you want, Evans?” Tyler growled out.

“Just meeting the new girl which you so rudely interupted.”

“She is no friend of yours. I suggest you back off now before my Beta comes out.”

‘Evan’ took a step forward causeing Tyler to push back harder against me.

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