Chapter 9

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Corey did everything else, giving me shots and IV’s. Tyler wouldn’t let go of me. He held onto my limp hand like nothing else. 

“TB, let’s go get you some food. You haven’t eaten all day and you can’t kill yourself. You know she wouldn’t want you to.” Dylan said. 

“I can’t leave her.” Tyler said.

“Tyler, it’s best you do. It will make her wolf want to change faster with the want to be near you.” Corey said. 

Dylan pulled his arm back and Tyler slowly gave in. 

“Corey, stay with me if anything happens or changes.”

“I will.” Corey nodded.

Tyler slowly left and went to the kitchen. 

Corey sat down on the bed by my hand. 

“Kally, i know you probably can’t hear me but you have to pull through this. I know it hurts but Tyler needs you. He’s gone through so much pain to help you. All you have to do is get through this pain and he won’t ever let you go through anything again. He’s going to be there for you every minutes of every day... he loves you Kally. Just keep that in mind ok?” He slowly got up and walked to the counter and worked on some papers.

A half hour passed and Tyler was still gone. Corey continued to study papers until he heard my heart monitor speed up drastically. He ran to me and looked at the machines before getting another needle. My eyes snapped open and i screamed in pain. Anyone in the house probably heard it. 

“Shh, it’s ok. i’m putting more painkillers in! You can go back to sleep in a minute.”

“NO! Please, don’t! It still hurts! It doesn't help!” I screamed out again in pain and Tyler came rushing into the room with Dylan.

“What's happening!” Tyler yelled.

“Her wolf finally killed the pain killers. She just told me they aren’t helping though. She still felt everything. Sir, i don’t know what to do anymore!” Corey yelled over my crys. Tears ran from my eyes and i twisted on the bed. 

“She will go through it on her own without pain killers.” Alpha came in saying calmly.

“Dad, she won’t be able to handle the pain! She’s just to the 75% mark and she can’t sit still or stop screaming! She’s going to die!” Tyler begged him.

“Son, i know it is hard to hear but nature is taking it’s course. I’m sorry but she might die. That’s how it works. I know you don’t want to hear that but there is nothing we can do. Her body makes the decision now.” Alpha spoke and sat down in a chair against the wall. “She has to be strong and have something worth living for.”

Tyler turned to me and tried to calm me down but it didn’t help. It felt like my skin was being shredded by a razor. My hair was being pulled out. My insides were being stabbed. My heart was beating fast and uncontrollably. Everything hurt. 

About a half hour passed and it got worse but i gripped more onto Tylers hand. My bones started to pop and break before my skin was stretched. i screamed one final time before everything went black.

“Dad, what's going on?” Tyler whispered.

“Her body is changing. If she can wake up from this, she has lived. i’m sorry if she doesn’t son.” He whispered. In truth, alpha didn’t think that i would live. The amount of pain i went through was three times the normal of any wolf change. He knew i was early as well. i shouldn’t live. 

“C’mon Kalla! I know you can make it. Baby, wake up, wake up for me! Please!” He begged. He picked me up when i didn’t open my eyes and fell to the floor. He leaned against the wall holding my wolf form and rocking me back and forth. “Please, wake up...” He whispered, tears running from his eyes.

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