✭ Chapter 51

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photo: Megan texting Wien, waiting patiently/not so patiently for Element to hit 100k reads


Mr. Farefax stands before the crowd, arms crossed, an irritated expression plastered on his face. About three minutes ago, he asked for everyone's attention, and when he didn't get it, he just stared at us. Three minutes later, he's still staring and waiting.

"Ehem." He exaggeratedly clears his throat. The crowd slowly silences, starting at the front and finally quieting at the back. We wait intently for his instruction.

"Today will be a training based on teamwork. The tournament is a mere two weeks away, and we need to start buckling down on strategy. Seriously focusing on life-saving strategies. Ones like this tend to be teamwork-oriented. And luckily, teammates are the one thing you have a lot of in the arena.

"You will all work together, not in smaller groups like normal. I have a series of tasks, all of which could become a reality in the tournament. In order to pass to the next task, everyone will need to contribute."

The group nods, a few members eyeing individuals notorious for slacking off. "Your first task will be to transfer people to a platform in the air." Mr. Farefax takes a few steps towards the control panel on the wall and presses a series of buttons. A large circular platform extends from the ceiling, but stops after only a few seconds. It remains suspended by a thin pole, about 30 feet in the air.

"We need to fly up there?"A boy asks from the back of the crowd.

"No. You will not be flying in this exercise. Your teammates will guide you up using their control over the air, while you remain unmoving." Eyes widen, and frantic whispers rush through the crowd.

"What if we fall?"

Mr. Farefax raises one eyebrow. "I hope you can trust your teammates enough to get you thirty feet in the air. During the tournament, you might need to get your teammates or supplies over cliffs and other obstacles, and if you can't trust the people you're working with, you will be destroyed within seconds of stepping into the arena."

"How do you even know if we'll be in a terrain with cliffs or high obstacles?"

"I don't. None of the Battle Team teachers know. But you need to be ready. The arena could be any sort of terrain- but that shouldn't worry you, as long as you can complete these exercises."

I look over at Gavin, who is standing right next to me, and whisper quietly, "How big do you think the tournament arena is?"

He glances over at me, looking worried. "No clue. But, I mean... It's probably freaking huge."

I just nod and turn back to Mr. Farefax.

"That's all I'll give you. Now, get everyone onto that platform. No flying. Go."

We stare at him, hoping for advice or more instructions but he just stares right back at us. "I said, go."

"Um... I'll go first. If I fall, I know how to absorb the impact..." Lystal offers, quietly and breathily.

Heads nod timidly. We hesitantly form a circle around her.

"I think we need to have the strongest people be the ones literally lifting Lystal, and the rest can work as 'steering' and stuff," Calum suggests, unsure of his own advice. We all mumble "yeah." Most of the ones who volunteer to lift are eighth-years, which leaves me and others to help direct Lystal in the right direction.

"Lift on three, guys. One, two, three!"

Slowly, Lystal's rigid body lifts into the air as we increase the pressure below her. We strain to form a pocket of air dense enough to hold her up and get her to the platform.

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