✭ Chapter 45

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"Hey Ram! Good morning!"

"Oh, hey Parisa. Good morning to you too," I say smiling. I set down my fork.

"Just wanted to let you know that Aately, Ellis, and all of us are going to go eat at our regular tables. We won't bother you all today."

"Oh! Um, okay. That's fine. But you weren't bothering us."

"Okay, good to know. See you later! Stay warm!" She quickly hugs me.

"Thanks. Have a good day!"

I watch as she cheerfully walks to the table containing all of her friends. I smile as I watch them exchange conversation, grinning and laughing. I also observe Carter, his dark eyes fluttering over to Parisa a lot more than the others. At first, I feel a slight tinge of annoyance, but then I remember that day on the way back from the hospital, how I talked to him about Parisa...


He glances up at me.

"You like my sister? Honestly?" I ask trying to appear unthreatening.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." He replies.

"Don't be sorry." I shake my head. "Just be careful. Because... Well, if you ever hurt her, break her fragile heart... You haven't heard the last of me." My gaze is constant, but I try to smile.

"Okay." His voice is weak, but honest. I look at him. His black, frizzy hair is cut short. He has dark hazel green eyes, with a brown rim and air specks. His dark olive skin matches these other features, and his thick black sweater suits him. I exhale loudly, and pat his back. "Don't sweat it dude."

I'm not going to worry about him and Parisa. They're just good friends. And I'm trying to keep my relationship with my sister good for a while, hopefully a long time.

"Gooooood morning!" Alanna says loudly as she takes a seat at my table.

"Gooooood morning to you, too!" I mimic, and we both laugh.

She peers into my bowl. "Oatmeal again? Ugh."

"Yeah, I know. I can only eat it for so long before it's not very appetizing anymore."

She sighs. "Well, I'm going to go get some anyways. No point of being hungry all day until lunch."


Suddenly, the lights in the Dining Room flicker, dim, and then turn off. What?! They just fixed the power two days ago! Immediately following the darkness is an announcement.

"Students and staff, it's Mr. Algathy. We've had another power failure. Everyone please remain calm. We have decided that a power outage is no reason to not attend class, so school will continue as normal today."

I hear groans from around the room, but the announcement presses on.

"However, we need all students to be especially careful when walking from class to class. The storm has not ended yet, and indeed seems to almost be increasing. So, we are requiring everyone to wear at least two jackets and long pants. This should be common sense in this weather, but we just want to make sure all students are warm and safe. If you have questions or concerns, you can come to my office, where I will be most of the day. Thank you all for making smart choices during this period of storm and power outages. Have a good day."

I look over to Alanna. She has an indescribable look in her eyes, and I could faintly describe it as fear, worry, or confusion.

"Hey, Alanna, are you okay?" I ask her, placing my hand on her shoulder.

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