✯ Chapter 12

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When the bell rings to dismiss us to our next class, I'm having so much fun with Alanna that I almost forget about Rhodes. I've decided to forgive him, once he gives a proper apology for scaring those second years.

I found out that Alanna's in my fifth class as well. Math 4. We technically don't have a set teacher for this class yet, I guess because nobody wants to teach such a boring class.

Yet, people want to teach History. Cough Ms. Hersmer cough. As Alanna and I enter the classroom, we're greeted by a male voice.

"Well then. Since you girls are the first to enter the classroom, you may choose your seats." We rush to the seats in the middle of the class, and sit next to each other. "Alrighty then. I hope you two do not talk, or I will not hesitate to remove you from those seats, or this classroom."

"We won't talk." We chorus nervously.

"Good. Names please?" He asks.

"I'm Ramaya."

"Alanna." We sit in silence as he scribbles on his note pad.

The late bell rings, and our new teacher looks up at us. "Is my class really this small?"

"They might be waiting outside, sir." I say hopefully. Seriously? This is the guy's first day on the job and his whole class is skipping? I can't help but feel bad for him.

Alanna and I share knowing glances and he walks back into the room, flustered.

"Well, since you two are the-" He's interrupted by five people storming into the classroom and taking seats. Atticus, a nerdy boy who happens to hate me, walks up to the teacher and apoligizes.

"...really sorry. We got held up on the way here. The principal... we got into honours program, and... reward us." That's what I was able to make out. The teacher smiles at him, and tells him to take his seat.

I can tell Atticus is lying. As he walks back to his seat, I give him a suggestive look. He returns it with a smirk, only proving my suspicions.

Everyone knows that he's the stepson of the principal. He can get away with anything because no one ever tells on him.

"Alright, abnormally small class, I'm Mr. Donavit. Today, we were going to start by graphing power scales, but since no one bothered to show up, it's a free period."

A free period? That means I have the whole period to dwell on my problems with Yvette. Great. Note the sarcasm.

But my thoughts are interrupted when a heavy book flies across the room and hits Alanna in the head. She hits her head on the desk, and falls onto the floor with a thud.

"Alanna!" I yell out. I hear a snicker. Seriously. What is it with people who I like getting hurt? Couldn't this be Yvette? I kneel by Alanna, who seems fine, until blood starts gushing out of her nose.

"Alright, settle down!" Mr. Donavit yells over the class, or some of the class. "Ramaya, take Alanna to the nurse, now."

I grab a few tissues and help Alanna up. We walk silently to the nurse. Once we get there, I open the door for Alanna to go through. I make sure the nurse sees to it that Alanna gets better, then turn to leave.

I walk back to the classroom slowly, trudging my feet. I'm crossing the courtyard when I see it.

It's Parisa. With Aately. I quickly hide behind a tree and climb it. I can see them perfectly, and hear them.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm cutting class!" I hear Parisa squeal.

"Shhh! Do you want to get caught? Seriously, don't be such an idiot." I hear Aately say in that same snobby tone Yvette has. I can seriously believe they're sisters.

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