Selection 14: My Last Breath...

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[Poloagma's POV]
I was desperate, she kept continuously waking up and falling back to sleep, but she was never fully conscious. I watched as the towns people started to wake with the sun, and they stared at me in an infuriating way. My hat was lost behind me, but I never went to retrieve it. In the end, I moved her away though. She wasn't for eyes to pry on, and I wasn't asking for money.

I stood carrying her as a human would in my arms, and walked back to the woods. I knew she hate it there, but there was no other place to go. We were completely hopeless without that ring, and I couldn't go to the king empty handed. The plan backfired completely! Completely, and I put her through this!

I growled angry, and pushed myself against a tree, sliding down. "Just this once, this once I ask of you to help me. Please God, help." I looked down, expecting the worst, and watched as a rabbit jumped along next to me.

I swallowed at this sight, the rabbit symbolized Madiline, how could I kill it? But I was nearly starving for the past week, even Madiline could use the meat! We needed food, right?

I turned my head, grabbing the rabbit by its neck, and squeezed till I heard a "crack." Just the feeling made me want to gag, but I forced myself go through with it. I was a wolf, yes, but my wolf heart went back the mind of a human's.

Right as I was about to claw into the rabbit, Madiline finally awakened...

[Madiline's POV]

My eyes slowly opened, finding Sire before me. He looked like a wreck that even a joke would laugh at, he didn't get any sleep at all.

", I'm fine." I told him, and pulled away from him. We laid on the ground not entirely in the woods, but close enough. I was still a little dizzy, so there was no going too far away from Sire. "I still have strength, I'm still conscious, please at least rest a little bit."

"No Rabbit, I want to stay up and make sure you stay completely safe. You had quite the fight, and we're drained of blood, you could go into a coma. I need to watch you." He told me with an unintentional firm voice, that he got from weariness.

I sighed, and went up close to him. "Okay fine, once you make up your mind, there's no turning back. I have something for you though."

"What is it?" Sire asked blankly, his eyes were bloodshot, there were large bags under them that were purple as if they were bruised, his pupils held a haze in them, and his pronunciation was of the shit. He needed to rest badly.

"If you want it, then you have to close your eyes, it's a surprise!" I cried with a grin.

"Ugh, do I have to? Just give me the bloody present!"

"No Sire!" I wined. "It's a surprise! Close your eyes! Please...for me? Close your eyes?" I begged, staring at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but the surprise better be good!" He hollered, and shut them.

"Oh it will be," I said aloud, and slowly hearing his faint snore. I laughed muttering, "Told you it'd be good."

My eyes slowly wandered around me, noticing the dead rabbit next to us immediately, and hastily grabbed Sire's hand, tearing into the rabbit with his nail. I forced myself up- my legs and torso trembling from the lack of energy and strength, but managed to collect some twigs. I placed it in a pile, and shoved the meat on a stick. I whispered my native witch language, and saw as a spark appeared, then turned into a flame.

I pushed the small carcass onto the fire, watching it sizzle. My mouth watered from the smell, and once it was cooked, I ate a third of it, knowing Sire needed his strength more than I did. I laid next to the fire, feeling it's warmth radiate off of me, and loved it. The air was chilled, despite the sun being out and shining.

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