Chapter 23

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It's now around 1 AM. Everyone is now pretty much extremely wasted. There is quite a few people here. I have even seen someone I never wanted to see here, Lucille. She was wearing the sluttiest thing ever. She was basically a stripper. When she saw me, she smirked. She hasn't said anything to me, even though we have made eye contact quite a lot. She had been grinding on just about everyone. Now, I'm alone in the kitchen. The music is so loud, I'm surprised we haven't been shut down by the police yet. Josh walked into the kitchen, well kind of stumbled. "H-have you seen Simon?" He slurred, running his fingers through his hair. "No. I will go look though." I said as I walked out of the comfort of the isolated kitchen and into the crowd of sweaty, drunk people. I made my way through the sea of people, scanning the faces for Simon's. I then saw him. But I don't think I wanted to. He was pressed up against the wall by someone kissing him. Lucille. Anger boiled up inside me as I clenched my fist. I turned around quickly. I wanted to cry. I was so upset and pissed off, I wanted to puke. But most of all, I wanted to bash that slut's face in with a fucking brick. My eyes began getting very teary, but I didn't let a single tear fall. I can't let her see me cry, that's what she wants. I looked around the now blurry room and saw JJ and Tobi talking in a corner. I basically ran towards them, wanting to be with some people I felt comfortable with. "H-hey." My voice cracked as I spoke quietly. "Are you alright? You look pale." Tobi said, putting the back of his ham to my forehead. He wasn't very drunk, probably because this was his party, and he had to entertain guest. "I-I'm fine. Is there somewhere I can go to be alone?" I asked shakily, swallowing the lump in my throat. "The balcony is empty I'm pretty sure." JJ spoke up. I nodded a quick thanks and walked towards the balcony. I slid open the door and closed it behind me, slipping out unnoticed. I sat down on the ground with my back against the wall. I looked out at the amazing view I will probably never get over. The music was muffled, but I could still hear the bass thumping. I sighed and covered my face in my hands. My heart was broken. I didn't even have the right to be upset about it, it's not like he's my boyfriend. But I love him. I always will. I can't believe he would do that to me. He knows that she bullies me. He knows that she is a whore. I can't believe it. I wiped a tear away and looked at the view again, trying not to think about it. I couldn't get the damn image out of my mind thought, it was there forever. Watching the love of my life kiss her. I was so pissed, but I couldn't find the strength inside of me to actually do anything about it. I couldn't fight her. I couldn't fight him. I couldn't do anything but sit here and feel numb. I wanted to do something so damn bad. Cut. But I couldn't. I wiped yet another tear and focused on the floor. I heard the door slide open and I glanced up. There was the last person I wanted to see right now, Simon himself. "Hey. Why are you out here all alone?" He asked, obviously trying hard not to sound too drunk. I said nothing, just shrugged. My vision was focused back on the floor. "What's wrong?" He asked, kneeling beside me. "Why don't you go ask that fucking whore who's face you were sucking off a minute ago?!" I yelled, my anger revealing itself officially. His face went pale. He looked at the ground and then back up at me. "I-I'm sorry." He stuttered out. I ignored him and looked back at the view. "I'm so sorry." He said, putting his hand on my knee. "The thing is, you don't have to be. I don't have a single damn right to be upset. We're not together." I said, brushing his hand away. "You have every right to be pissed off at me." He said quietly. I looked over at him. His eyes were watery. Had I done that? The door slid open and both of our heads snapped upwards to see who it was. It was Lucille. "Fuck off!" I yelled. She smirked and stopped onto the balcony. "What's wrong? Is someone jealous that I've gotten more action from your boyfriend than you have?" She asked, walking towards me slowly. I clenched my fist and stood up quickly. "You fucking bitch. He's not my damn boyfriend." Was all I managed to say. She smiled and walked even closer to me. Simon stop up and grabbed my hand and tried to pull me away. I pulled myself from his grip and got inches from her face. "Are you going to really be that fucking stupid to get in my face?" She asked, pushing me. I had nothing holding me back now. My anger was way too overwhelming. I didn't say anything. I punched her right in her eye. She grabbed her face and fell to the ground. I straddled her and held her arms down. "Do we really want a repeat?" I spat on her face angrily. She didn't say anything, she just tried to get out of my grip. I saw nothing but her. I heard nothing but her. I had tunnel vision and I felt as if I was going to pass out. "I'm going to let you go. If you ever fucking go near any of my friends again, I will put your ass in the hospital without a second thought. I'm not going to now because you're parents are probably completely unaware that you are her. Correct?" I asked. She nodded and let a tear escape her eye. "Okay. When I let you go, you get the fuck out of here." I said. She nodded and let another tear escape. I got off of her and stood up. I was still very angry. I was breathing heavily and I could not see anything. I was very dizzy. "Calm down. Calm down." Someone said in a soft voice. I think it was Simon, but I don't know. "I want to go home. Let's go home." I said, shaking my head. "Once you calm down." The person said, making me sit down. I stared at the beautiful view once again. My breathing evened out and my heart beat slowed. Soon, I was okay. I looked around to find almost everyone had left the party. The only people left was the Sidemen and the Cals. The music had stopped and everyone was staring at me. "What was all that about?" Cal finally spoke up. "She and Si-" I started, I was cut off by arms getting wrapped around me. Soon, everyone joined the hug. "I love you guys so damn much." I said, letting a few tears fall. "We love you too." They all said in unison. "Ready to go home?" Vik asked, putting his hand on my back. I nodded and sniffled. "Bye guys!" I said with a small wave. They waved back and Simon, Josh, Vik, and I made out way to the car. Once there, I began driving home. No one spoke much, but it was okay. Soon, we were home. Josh and Vik got out quickly. Simon stayed sat in his seat. "Are you coming?" I asked, opening my door. "Can we talk for a second?" He asked, looking over at me. I nodded slowly and shut the door again. "I want you to hear me out. I'm not trying to make up excuses, but I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. After I realized what was happening, I pushed her off immediately. Then, I went to find you. Tobi said you were on the balcony, so I went out there. I'm so sorry. I can't apologize enough. I-I love you. You know that right?" He said, looking into my eyes the entire time. I nodded. He took my hands and continued to look into my eyes deeply. He began leaning in and he closed his eyes. I took this as an opportunity to do the same thing as him. Soon, our lips were touching. We moved in perfect sync. I melted into the kiss. It was amazing. It was my first kiss, yet he made it seem even more special than I ever thought it would be. He pulled away and so did I. My eyes fluttered open and I saw him staring at me. "I love you too." I said with a smile. I knew my cheeks were bright red, I didn't even need to look. "W-we should probably get back inside. They're probably worried about us." He said, opening his door, but not getting out. "Fiver they're both in bed already." I said with a smirk, sticking out my hand. He shook it. "You're on." He said. We got out of the car and raced up the walk way. We barged through the front door and quietly jogged up the stairs. I peeked into Vik's room to see him laying in bed, his back towards the door. I looked up at Simon who was looking over my shoulder at Vik. I closed the door and smiled. "We still have to see Josh." He whispered. I nodded and walked slowly to Josh's room. I opened the door quietly to see him already sound asleep. I heard his soft snore and smiled I closed the door again and turned to Simon. "Let's go to bed." He said, walking away from me. I stopped in front of my bedroom door and turned toward Simon who was standing outside of his door. "Goodnight." I spoke up after a few seconds of silence. He took a step towards me and brought his hand to my cheek. "Goodnight." He whispered. He kissed me on the cheek quickly and turned around. He walked into his room and shut the door quickly. I sighed and walked into my room. I closed the door and leaned my back against it. I slid down the door so I was sitting. I sat there for a minute and took in all of the events of today. I got changed after thinking about them and went to bed. I fell asleep quickly, despite my jittery nerves.

*Simon's POV*
"Goodnight." I whispered and kissed her cheek quickly. I felt my face grow warm and I turned around. I walked into my room and close my door, leaving against it on my back. I slid down it and sat down. I thought about today before I got changed and hopped into bed. I can't believe I kissed her. Actually kissed her. I really do love her. She has school tomorrow, but when she gets back, we are going on a date. I'm sure of it. I love her. I truly do.

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