Chapter 48

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     It's been a year. An entire year since I've moved into the Sidemen house. So many good things have happened. So many indescribable positive feelings. So much love. I smiled into the night sky. A familiar silence surrounding me. I was on the roof, alone, just thinking about the past year. The best year of my life. I've reached a huge milestone with YouTube, three million subscribers. I still upload daily and work my ass off, and I love doing it. Simon and I are still going strong. Each day I love him more than the day before, but I know it won't be as much as I will the next day. Everything's perfect. Vik even managed to catch himself a girlfriend. Her name is Kayleigh. She's so nice and smart. Josh and Freya are still together. Freya is an incredible person. Cal is dating a girl called Grace. At first, I didn't really approve, but then I got to know her a bit more. She's just like the rest of us. She fits in perfectly. Sometimes, all of us girls will have a girl day. It's really nice to go out with them. Zeus is so big now. He's such a good dog. Every time I see him I think of Simon,  because he's the one who got him for me. Maybe it was all of these thoughts or the saddening sound of the crickets and distant cars, but a tear fell from my eye. I wiped it away and smiled even bigger. Living here has turned me into a big softie. I silently giggled as I thought of all the memories I've had with the guys. I still think about Karmyn. A lot. More than I should. I still miss her. She will always be a huge part of my life as my first best friend. Levi and I are still good friends and the guys actually like hanging out with him too. We've tried convincing Levi to start YouTube, but he won't. He said it was always his dream to become a doctor, and that is what he wanted to do. He's definitely smart enough and determined enough to accomplish anything he sets his mind to. I remember when I had ambitions like that, until I was put up for adoption. Like some unwanted piece of clothing that people sell at yard sales or resale stores. That's when everything changed, for the worst. That's when my only goal was to get through one day without cutting, which I never accomplished. But one year ago, when I got adopted by Josh, my life changed drastically, for the best. I no longer even think about cutting. The only time I wouldn't think about cutting when I was in the orphanage was when I was watching the guys' YouTube videos. I clicked on that video, and everything changed. I loved these guys before they even knew of my existence. I loved Cal even before we were both teenagers. When there was a storm and I was scared, I would sneak into his room, not my parents'. They would yell at me, so I went to him. He would comfort me and listen to me. Another tear slipped out of my eye, sending a chill down my spine as it slipped off of my cheek onto my knee. I looked up at the clear night sky. It's beautiful. I laid back and stared up, my hands folded behind my head. I smiled greatly. It was true. Everyone that had always said that it would get better, that I will be happy one day, that if I stay strong good things will happen. I never ended my life, although I had come close multiple times, and I'm very grateful that  I never did. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it. It was probably just one of the guys asking if I was alright or hungry or something. Or maybe it was one of the girls, asking if I wanted to go shopping with them tomorrow, but they can wait. Whoever it was, made another smile creep onto my face. It was my family. I know I've used the same boring speech about how family is family and blah blah. But it's true. Family is all you've got. Blood or not, family is family, you love them, they love you. Unconditionally, without any doubts, forever. My family was here. I've been with them for an entire year, but it felt like millions. "Are you alright up here, birthday girl?" I heard Simon's voice from below me. "I'm fine and it's not even my birthday." I said, my voice coming out much smoother than I though it would. I heard him pull himself onto the roof and walk to me. He sat down beside me, but didn't lay back like me. "It's nice out tonight." He said, interrupting the silence. "I know." I said in agreement he knew I came up here to think, so he didn't interrupt much, but when he did, he did a lot of thinking too. "I can't believe it's been a year." He said, finally leaning back to lay beside me. I just nodded in agreement. I didn't think that they would remember a day that wasn't very important like this one, but this morning I woke up to my favorite breakfast. "How was your day?" He asked, turning his head to look at me. "Perfect." I said with a smile as I continued to stare at the brilliant stars and half moon. He smiled and looked back up at the sky. "I love you, you know that right?" He asked, looking at me again with big eyes. I looked over at him, finally breaking the sky's gaze. "Of course I love you too." I said with a smile and a nod. "Good." He said with a sharp nod and looked back up at the infinite sky. I examined his face. His sharp features, bright eyes darting around at different stars, his full lips slightly parted. "I love you so much." I said under my breath, he didn't hear me. He was in his own world. The world I was usually in when I came up here. I looked back up at the sky and sighed. My life, my life is good. Something will probably ruin a day eventually, but that doesn't mean that my life isn't good. One day doesn't change anything. One year does. This year has changed my entire life, and I hope that the next how ever many years are just as good, if not, better.

This is the last chapter of this story. I know, I know. Just hold your tears. I really loved writing this book and I really enjoyed all of your support, thank you for that. I WILL be starting a new fanfiction soon, but I don't know how soon 'soon' will be. Anyways, bye for now!

See ya! X

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