Yuki.... Friend or foe?

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Oh my go 1.5K readers... I love you all so much ;-;

So.... I forgot that reader chan already met Yuki so please re read this when you have the time so you can understand what's going on...

I narrowed my eyes at said pure blood, how dare he come in like that!

I could feel the headmasters gaze on the back of my head, questioning my clear dislike for the gorgeous vam- NO!! No!! Bad (Y/N)! I can't forget that pure bloods are the reason I was tortured by Rito, or that Rito himself is one.

As much as I wanted to keep glaring at him I couldn't, I was tired and frankly the notes are starting to give me a headache. With a heavy sigh I turned back towards the headmaster holding my head in my hands, while supporting my elbows on my knees.

"Headmaster... Please remember what I said, and again I apologize for the inconvenience..." Slowly I rose from the chair, nodding my head towards the headmaster. He had a mixture of confusion, concern, and curiosity painted across his face. However I didn't have time to observe why he would be concerned.

Turning around I head towards the door, I got to the door and was about to leave when the headmaster called out.

"Ah!! (Y/N)!! What happened to your leg?!?" My eyes went wide as my blood went cold, I completely forgot about my leg. I wouldn't mind telling the headmaster that I accidentally burned it earlier with my own fire but with Kaname here who already saw my ice I didn't feel safe saying the truth.

Turning my head towards him I saw him jump out of his chair and nearly fall over the front of his desk from the force. I gave him a tired smile.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just a minor burn." I turned the door knob to leave when a hand was gently put on the door to prevent me from leaving. I trailed my eyes from the hand up to the face of none other then Kaname.

"It doesn't just look like a minor burn, and you didn't have that yesterday." His expression was emotionless, I would've fought back or said something nasty if I didn't have a weird sense of safety around him. Honestly knowing that I didn't completely hate him was unnerving. Instead I sighed and walked back to the seat and sat down.

I had told the headmaster I had burn my room by accident since I haven't used my powers in over 10 years from being captive, as far as he knows though the vampire hunting me only has a very unhealthy obsession with me. He didn't hurt me as far as he knows.

I pondered over my choice of words carefully as to not give away to Kaname anything more then he already knows.

"After what happened earlier I found that a burn was on my leg... I didn't feel it and honestly I forgot about it till now. It's healing, but slowly because of its size.... It should be cleared up by tomorrow at the latest." I kept my eyes looking out the window, and then I noticed a faint scent.... There ever so slightly and I doubt any human could smell it.... The metallic tang and alluring smell. Blood.

I felt my fangs poke the inside of my mouth and felt them pierce my skin. I couldn't help but lick the blood that slowly trailed from my mouth to chin. The headmaster seemed to notice.

"Here." He fumbled in his coat pocket for a second and pulled out a small white box.... I took it and held it curiously. Holding a glass of water out to me he waited for me to take it.

"What....?" I was a little confused... and only just realizing how ferocious my thirst was becoming.

"Put one of the tablets from the container into the water." I did as it said and watched the clear liquid slowly turn to a dull red.

"Now drink." The headmaster gave me a warm smile as he sat at his desk in front of me.

I sniffed the contents in the water curiously (am I the only one who does that? I can't be right? xD) and took a tentative sip... It was clearly a substitute for blood, but it was bland. I didn't really complain though, as long as it got rid of my thirst I was content.
Downing the contents I held the glass between both of my hands.

"Thank you very much." I saw him smile and nod as a sign of acknowledgment, and then he turned his gaze to Kaname. Smile instantly fading into a serious expression.

"Kaname, may I help you with something?"

"Yes actually..."

I realized they didn't really want me to hear so I got up and gently placed the cup on the headmasters desk.

"Excuse me." Bowing slightly I went to leave the room again, but this time I wasn't stopped. Closing the door behind me I went for a walk around the campus. I was happy when I found a fountain and couldn't help but smile a little as the cool water coiled around my fingers.

"You! What are you doing here? It's the middle of the day. You should be in the Moon dorm." I looked towards the source of the voice to see none other then Yuki.

"Hello? Did you hear me?" I blinked in surprise, did she say something?

"Uh.... Um.... Sorry... What did you say?" I saw her sigh and it was getting on my nerves for some reason.

"I said you are in violation of campus rule number 45, being out after your curfew. You need to return to your dorm till nightfall." I arched an eyebrow at her attitude. This girl I barely knew is bossing me around like she owns the place.

I punched the bridge of my nose as a slight throb went through my leg.... I honestly didn't care about some code they had here, and I had more pressing matters to attend to.

I put my hand up to stop her rambling,
"Yuki.... Shut up. The headmaster had no problem with me being here, I don't start classes till next week, and I needed to talk to the headmaster. I do not need to give any more reasons for my presence here, if it is troublesome to you then turn around and leave already."

I looked up to see her shocked expression and it took a lot of will power to not smirk at her, I felt a slight headache begin in the back of my mind so before she could say anything I got up and left.

I followed the path to the closed gate of the academy, where it led into the village just beyond.....

The metal was cold to the touch and the cooling feel on my finger tips as I placed my hand on the creaky bars was an opposite to the slight burn I still felt on my leg.

With Rido I was barred up....but I could never see the light.... The air had always smelt fresh of a copper blood and an overwhelming tang of metals that he used for torture... Now, even outside I didn't feel free. I knew I couldn't.

The notes

Reaching into my pocket I felt around for the flimsy piece of smooth paper, slowly I took one out and held it up the sun. Willing it to burn with my eyes. 

I hate it, even outside his walls but I have no more freedom then when I was chained to the cell.

I crumbled up the neatly folded note, never wanting to see him again. How dare he disgrace the dead? Threatening to kill my siblings... he is very late though, mother and father killed them. Driven mad by the thirst.

I slowly burned the ball of paper in my hand, not caring for any burns that came with it. Watching the ashes float away I reach into my pocket for the next... but only the hollow fabric off my pocket greets my hand. 



"Would this happen to belong to you?"




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