Chapter 15

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A/N I'm gonna just ignore the pile of work and the time as it gets later because this draft has been collecting dust for about a month now xD

Seriously though, thank you for all the positive feedback. I'm a new writer so I hope to still get better and thank you all in supporting me and actually liking this test drive fanfiction thing. Those that actually read this get a cookie *hands cookie* and first three people that comment actually reading it alllll the way down here get a sneak peak of next chapter... if that's really a reward or something :P Code word: corn. I like corn. Now to fill in space for all those skippers (I'm guilty of skipping A/N too...) BLah BLah Blah story story chapter chapter and continue.


Silence. Thick and heavy silence.

Oh how stupid I've been. Careless, reckless, and utterly stupid.

The wound itself would've been fine, even with it still dripping out of me in a steady patter on the floor. They wouldn't have smelt me. I could've hidden it a bit longer, at least until I had some sort of plan for this whole mess. I just had to go play with the one person in this damn place with a vampire hunter gun.

Kaname showed no signs, none, that he would remember me. Typical.

"Can't say I'm surprised. It's only been roughly a couple decades since we last met, and yet you remember nothing of me." I was drained, but rage still burned. The flame turning to red hot coils as exhaustion set in. 

I didn't bother looking at the other two in the room, didn't bother bandaging my now aggravated wounds, as I walked around the vampire prince himself.

"Never mind, don't know what I expected. I'm going to my room, leave me alone." I gave a pointed look to the blond just managing to getup now, before limping down the hall. I was well aware of the few drops of blood I left in my wake, and as I dragged myself into the dark and cool room, I was given to sleep in.  


"(Y/N), may I come in?"

Groaning, I turned over in bed sparing a glance to the door.

"Go ahead Headmaster."

As soon as I saw his face I knew this was going to be unpleasant, the delicate and soft way he closed the door only confirmed my sinking suspicion. I felt the foggy haze leftover by sleep creep away in anticipation.

"There's been a clear issue between you and Kaname... I'd like to help if possible. I also know someone who is very close to him if you'd like to spend time with them, maybe see Kaname isn't so bad?" He spoke to me as any parent would when confronting a sad and lonely child. It did not lighten my mood.

"Headmaster, I appreciate it but I frankly do not care about him." I gave him a bland look, hardly containing the rage that seethed under my skin.

As if I was the problem. That bastard saw himself as a high and mighty prince who everyone should bow down to, I was not going to let him win if he thought he could have me begging on my knees for his forgiveness.

"Y/N Please, he's still a pureblood and I'm afraid if you keep having conflicts with him the other vampires will become uneasy and see you as a threat."

A threat. Me. He's the one letting all this spoiled leeches stay in the same campus as our prey. I am clearly not the only threat, especially since I at least don't  have those humans melting over every word I say.

"Also, I think it's time for you to begin your classes." My blood boiled at the thought of seeing that pureblood and his entourage every single night.

"Fine. Now if you'll excuse me, headmaster, I am very tired." Turning away I cut off the conversation. I heard something lightly land on my side table.

"Blood tablets. Put them in water and let them dissolve before you drink, we don't tolerate vampires drinking straight from humans." The door creaked shut and I peeked over at the gift.

I better get some sleep, I'll need it to prepare myself for tomorrow night....

Begrudgingly I got ready for bed, my stomach growling at the need for substance and from being denied that request.

"Fine... might as well try those tablets..."

Picking up the pack, I dragged my feet to the bathroom to retrieve a glass of water.

The pills bubbled ad dissolved quickly, turning the clear substances a dull red.

Oh that simply looks delectable...

sighing heavily I grabbed the glass and brought it to my lips

As long as it gets rid of the hunger.

Taking one gulp I slowly savored the substance I was going to have to survive off of for a while. It tasted bland, an absolute mockery of what my kind was meant to dine on.

bringing the cup to my lips I prepared to chug the rest, before a searing pain laced through my throat and stomach. The glass fell to the floor and my hands shook.

Just as quickly as it happened it was gone. All I remember next was puking long and hard until I was left simply dry heaving. Once the tremors settled down I slowly washed out the sink where I had no time before I emptied the small contents in my stomach. Once my mind was working again, I slowly realized what just happened. My stomach let out a very displeased growl at still being denied.

Stiffly, I grabbed the cup off the floor and filled it with water. Washing my mouth out I got the taste of bile to leave, but my stomach began to once again remind me of what I needed.

Adding two more tablets to my new glass of water, I watched as they bubbled and fizzed again, staining the water red. I waited longer this time, just to be sure it was fully dissolved.

Five minutes passed and I tentatively tried again. One small sip and-

My knees buckled as I gagged and felt the pain rush through me as a burning acid made its way up my throat, along with that damn dull red I just tried to drink. The tremors passed, but my body felt cold and clammy, beginning to shake uncontrollably as I realized the event had repeated itself.


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