Chapter 16

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A/N-Short chapter. I had put in a code in the last A/N to try and see who actually reads them... Little sad after almost two months NOBODY noticed.... Oh well. School starts soon, so more chapters hopefully, but smaller ones.


Shit Shit Shit


This was bad, really bad

Slowly, picking myself off the floor, my mind begins to scramble all that just passed in the last hour.

1.I can't drink the blood tablets

Setting the cup on the edge of the bathroom sink, I realize a small crack had appeared on the cup, a small piece missing.

2. My healing ability is very slow. The wound had mostly healed, though it was still red and puffy.... possibly infected. If I didn't get blood soon it would be anyway.

The shaking tremors had subsided, gingerly I touched the wound. The sharp pain that still lingered enacting a hiss from my lips.

But everything drowned out as the claws of hunger gripped me tight and growled loudly.

3. I'm goddamn starving 

Sighing heavily through my nose, I think of one of the stupidest plans yet. If I didn't get blood soon though, all the humans here would be in danger. Closing my eyes at the upcoming headache, I begin to plan all the things Id need to make this suicide mission work without a problem.

Or as few problems as possible, that is

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