t h r e e ♔

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"I tried calling you, why didn't you answer?" Kaylee stood in front of me with her arms crossed, I hadn't even notice her enter the locker room.
    I figured the guys were laughing at each other's jokes but when I realized she was here, I knew exactly what was funny.

                     "What are you doing? If coach sees you in the locker room he's gonna --"

Kaylee tilt her head, "He's gonna what?"

         I shook my head as I pulled my shirt over my head, "Never mind." I mutter, as she continued to stare at me. "Are you gonna wait outside or what?" I question, dryly. I knew why was here, she just wanted to see the guys walking around shirtless.
                I began packing my things up, completely ignoring her.

                              "I'm already here, I might as well just wait." She says, glaring over her shoulder at the guys walking by. I stared at from the corner of my eye, as I grabbed my shoes from my locker. She didn't know I was watching her as she waved and smiled at the guys passing by.
      When she turned back around to face me, I sat down on the bench behind me and out my socks on.

                "You know instead of you wasting your time getting out of the car, I could meet you out in the parking lot after practice."

Kaylee leaned against my locker, staring at me. "Nah, it's no biggie." She whispers, scrunching her nose up. I smiled weakly at her, as Ethan approached her from behind. His locker wasn't over here but he was trying to get my attention, I make eye contact with him for a second in order to let him know that I saw him.
        Then I part my lips, "I was thinking we could go to the movies tonight? What movie would you want to see?"

                   While Kaylee was talking, I stared at Ethan as he leaned over Kaylee's shoulder for me to see him better. My brother twirled his index finger beside his temple, crossing his eyes and I glared away to keep myself from laughing.
            He was definitely right, Kaylee was a total nut job, there was no arguing with him on that.



She glared over her shoulder at Ethan, who quickly smiled at her. "What's going on?" She questions, turning back to face me. My lips part slowly, as I stared at my brother.

"Ethan was just giving me suggestions on what movie we should watch," I laugh, she frowned a little but seconds later began to smile. "you know if you couldn't choose a movie."

                She smiled widely as she sat down beside me, "Awe," she gasped, kissing my cheek. She smiled at Ethan, "Aren't you guys just the sweetest."

        Ethan continued to smile at her until she turned back to face me. Once she wasn't looking at Ethan his smile immediately dropped. I knew he didn't like the  fact that was "dating" Kaylee, but I really didn't have a choice.
           This girl had so much on me and one wrong move could not only fuck up my life but someone else's.

                           Ethan moved closer to us, "Hey, we could do a double date." He smiles, glaring at me and then at Kaylee. I turned my head to face Kaylee, waiting for her approval. She glared down at Ethan's chest, then at him. "Yeah sure why not?"

              I laughed awkwardly, "Okay, right! Now Ethan go put on a shirt."

      He nodded, "Right..." And he quickly walked off.

                        I continued to put my socks and shoes on, as Kaylee kept glaring around at the boys. I couldn't deny that sometimes I got jealous when she talked to other guys or even smiled at them.

I knew what we had wasn't real, but I still couldn't help it. At first I actually liked her and I thought she liked me, but it turned out I was wrong.

        Most times I don't have to remind myself that our relationship isn't real, but I sometimes forget because I imagine this relationship to be real. Since I can't have a real relationship with not just Kaylee but any other girl, I often times act as if what we have is real.
                     I hated whenever that happened because Kaylee would usually remind me that we weren't anything. And that only reminded me what this whole thing was about.

             Afterwards, I would feel useless and nothing more than one of her accessories. She thought she could walk around school and the town with me by her side, making her look like the hottest and luckiest girl in the world.
                         She wanted girls to be jealous of her and she wanted guys to wish they had her.

If people knew her as she really was, no one would like her regardless how hot she was. The only problem was that nobody knew this girl existed inside Kaylee, no one ever tried to expose her as who she really was.


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