f i v e ♔

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           This week went by pretty fast, I was really looking forward to the weekend. "Promise me you'll call me everyday." Kaylee says. I sat in the passenger's seat with my bag on my lap getting ready to get hop out of her car.
             "I'll call you every other day." I promise, really as if doing so everyday was little dramatic. Kaylee smiled at me, "And I don't have any one over while I'm gone," she sighs as she gave me a stern look. "I don't want you throwing a party and little miss sunshine comes, we have to make people believe that we're actually a couple."

Kaylee placed her hands on the steering wheel, as I swung open the car door, "Yes  Ma'am."

She stared at me from the corner of her eye, "I'm being serious, Grayson." Of course I knew she was serious, whenever her and family took a trip to Philly that was always one of her rules.
I closed the door and rested my elbows along the window ledge, "So am I." She smiled at me, "Have a good weekend."

"You too." I smiled back at her, and stood up from leaning against her car. As soon as Kaylee drove off I didn't wait to watch her disappear into the distance, instead I went inside my house as soon as she took off.
Ethan decided to stay home today, "How was your lazy day?" I asked him, as I walked into the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator.

Ethan glared up at me from his laptop, "You know..... lazy." I rolled my eyes, "Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" I murmur as I rambled through the frigerator.

               He laughed, "Ummm no."

I closed the frigerator, after not finding anything something I wanted to eat. "Wanna order a pizza?" I leaned against the counter on the opposite side of my brother, resting my elbows against the granite counter.
         "I already had some but sure why not."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, "With what money?" He had spent most of his allowance on useless items on the Internet. Ethan ran his fingers through his hair, "Your allowance." He mumbles, I leaned closer to him. "What? I can't hear you?"
                       "Mom gave me some money before she left this morning." He lies.

      I stared at him blankly, "Stop using my allowance."

Ethan confuses back on his laptop, "What are you doing anyways?" I question, as I walked around the island counter to look at his laptop screen. Eth leaned back in his seat, "Halloween costumes." And I regretted asking him.
                 "I was thinking this year we could go as a two person horse costume."

                               "Not gonna happen."

Ethan frowned, "Why not? Do you have something better that you're doing?"

I sighed as I stood up from the counter, "Better? No, but Kaylee wants me to go to this Halloween costume party with her." And Eth went back to looking at his screen, "But we always do Halloween together," he reminds, which was making me feel even worst that I couldn't dress up with him.
"Now who's gonna dress up like a horse with me?"


Ethan frowned slightly, pouting at me. "It wouldn't be the same."

Our sister entered the kitchen, "Cameron, what?"

Ethan rests his elbow on the counter and then rests his chin in the palm of his hand, pouting. "Please, tell Ethan that we don't always have to dress up for Halloween together every year."

Cameron stood beside me, staring at Ethan. "He does have a point." She mumbles, rubbing her eyes. Ethan continued to stare at his laptop, "Cameron can you order us a pineapple pizza?" He mumbles, slouching in his seat.
I leaned against the counter, biting the side of my lip. Cameron went to go get the phone and order us some pizza, leaving Eth and me alone.

"Are you mad or nah?" I grinned.

Ethan looks up at me, "Leave me alone." He stood up from his with his laptop and went upstairs. I sat down at the island, staring at my phone screen.
             Cameron came back into the kitchen after a few minutes, "Where's Ethan?"

I glared up at her from my phone as she went to get some water from my refrigerator, "What's been up with you since I've been gone?" She leans against the corner, as she took sips of her water.

                           My sister didn't know about Kaylee and I didn't want to let Cameron know about her . "Nothin' much, just going to football practice, out with a few friends and focusing on making good grades."
             My sister nods, "Got any girlfriends I should know about?" But I shook my head, "Nope, there's no girls in my life."

                      "Who's Kaylee then?" She grins at me. I ran my fingers through my hair nervously, laughing as I tried to think of a lie to get out of this one. I attempted to respond with a lie until she gave me a look, as if telling me that I couldn't lie to her because she'd know.

           "Alright.... she's some girl I'm dating."

                                      "Some girl?"

Why did I say that?

"Well you know what I mean.... I'm dating her." I mumble awkwardly, staring back down at my phone. Cameron ran her finger along her glass, "You don't seem so excited about your relationship with this Kaylee girl." She says, and I knew she knew something but didn't want to come out and say it.

                  "Okay obviously you know something, so tell me what you want you say." I state blankly. My sister stands up from leaning against the counter, "Ethan looked pretty disappointed when you denied dressing up with him for Halloween --"

        I tossed my head back and groaned, "He wants up to dress up in a horse costume, you can't blame me for saying no." I explain, setting my phone down and running my fingers over my face angry.
                     "But he's your brother, Gray. He just wants to spent time with you because you guys are like an item."

             "An item? Oh thanks Cameron." I scoff standing up from my seat. She sighs, "You know I didn't mean it like that," she follows me to the sofa. "you and Eth always do things together and I think that he loves spending time with you. And it seemed like Ethan was really annoyed that you were going to a Halloween party with this Kaylee girl, instead of him. It seems as if you're spending more time with his girlfriend of your's and you're forgetting about your twin." She explains, as I plopped down on the couch.

                    I shook my head, "That's the thing, we're always doing things together. I can't spend my whole life around him, he has to learn how to be independent." I murmur.

                    Cameron crossed her arms over her chest, "You're right, Ethan should be independent... you guys should be able to do things without each other. But all I'm saying is to not let let Kaylee be the reason why you and Ethan drift apart."

         I took a deep breathe as the door bell rung, Cameron went to answer the door and get the pizza.

a/n: writing this kinda made me sad, idk but it just did.

thanks for all the votes and comments! :)

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