t w e n t y ♔ f i v e

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After we left Kaylee's house, Nash took me home. I was doing my homework when Ethan came home, he was late. "Hey, what's up?" I placed my pencil beside my notebook.
He went to the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of water, "Tried from practice?" I picked up my phone and noticed that I had a text from Brooke.

"Umm, yeah." He looked like he had to think about why he was getting a glass of water. I looked up at him, as he took a sip of his water. He looked at me as he thought that I was implying something, which made me curious why.
Ethan laughed as I stared at him, "What?" I frowned playfully, "Don't what me, why are you laughing?" He shrugged, I looked closely at him trying to figure if he was high. He continued to take sips of his water, grinning at me.


That was just Ethan being Ethan.

"I'm laughing because your looking at me funny." I studied him, "Because you're acting funny." He set his glass of water down, "Is it possible for second hand marijuana smoke? Because she was smoking so much in the car that I can literally taste it."
                          I shrugged, as I picked up my pencil and continued to do my homework. There was a moment of silence while Ethan picked up his glass of water and drank it, "Did you guys get something to eat or something?" I was just curious.

           He nods, as he finishes his glass of water. Before I ask anymore questions he mumbles as he walked away, "I smell like fucking weed, I'ma go take a shower." I laid my head on the pages of textbook, bored completely out of my mind.
                       Cameron and our mom came in from the garage, with groceries. I stood up from the stool and helped them, "Where's your brother?" My mom asked, "He's taking a shower." She walked past me and set the bags in the kitchen. I approached the trunk of the car, where my sister was. "You didn't tell her?" I whispered, as she handed me a bag.

              "Not until you fix everything."

     Our mom came back into the garage but I intended on bringing the rest of the bags inside the house, my mom thanked me.
                I wanted to talk to Cameron alone, "Can I ask you a serious question?" She looked a little worried but then nodded at me. "Pregnant women can't smoke weed can they?"

She slid her hair back, "Well yeah, but smoking marijuana can reduce the amount of oxygen that gets to a developing baby, which can affect the growth. Why did she smoke weed?" She whispers, leaning closer to me. I shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't to know this so that I could ask Ethan."

I walked back into the house, before Cameron could say anything about me getting the rest of the bags. Our mom was in the kitchen getting dinner prepared, "Cam's handling the rest of the bags."

I went upstairs to Ethan's bedroom, he was still in the shower. I hesitated to enter his room, not wanting him to catch me.
I figured he'd be in here for the next twenty minutes so I went inside his room, closing the door behind me. I glared around his room and that's when I saw his phone sitting on his nightstand dresser, I went over towards it and grabbed it.

I knew his password unless he decided to change it but luckily for me he didn't. Once I was pass his password I realized what I was doing, his home screen appeared and my thumb was hovering over the message icon.
I could feel my throat tighten, in curiosity and fear. It was wrong to look through my brother's texts but I was curious to know if he was texting Kaylee. I know what I said about Ethan and I trying to make Valerie jealous by liking Kaylee, but I felt as if he wasn't telling me something.

I tapped my thumb on his texts and the first name I noticed was Kaylee's name. I placed my fingers over my lips, trying not to jump to conclusions. There was no way my brother was doing what I was thinking, he was determined to help me get the tape but he wouldn't.....

There was so many things going through my head, all of them weren't good. I opened his messages between Kaylee and I almost had a heart attack, I could feel my chest tightening. "Oh my freakingggg gosh." I looked up from his phone, at the closed door and tried to tell myself that I wasn't seeing what I was seeing.
Ethan came in, "Did you see yourself in a mirror?" He joked, I turned his screen towards his face as he came walking towards me. "What is this?"

My brother stared at the screen, "Some girl's boobs? Are you showing me this?" He walked to his dresser, my eyes widened. "Some girl's? This is Kaylee! Why is she spending pictures you pictures? What else has she spent you?" Ethan mumbled, "Oh..."

I crossed my arms.

"Gray, I can explain." I turned my back on him, shaking my head. "It's not what it looks like, I swear." I glared up at the ceiling, "It's exactly what it looks like," I mutter.

                "you're sexing my girlfriend."

Ethan scoffed, "You don't even like her!" He went through his dresser for some to throw on, "That's besides the point, you aren't suppose to like her." Ethan rolled his eyes, "First of all, I don't like Kaylee. I didn't ask for her to spend me that picture and I sure the hell wasn't sexting her. Do you honestly think I would do that? If so, I'm disowning from being my twin."
I pressed my lips together, staring hard at him. "You can't disown me, that's not how it works," Ethan gathered his clothing, he was trying not to laugh. "me and you are stuck together, so get over it." He stormed out of the room and I tried not to laugh at how he was walking, a few seconds later he came back into his room.

"Get out, I gotta change." He demands, as he held onto the door. I tossed his phone on his bed and I left, grinning at him.

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