t h i r t y ♔ s i x

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My mom looked over at me, "Is that true?" I glared at our principal, "Yes." She sighed, "How did that even happen?" I turned to face my mom, "I was at a party and things got out of hand."
She shook her head, I was expecting her to get upset and yell at me but she didn't. "Where is Kaylee? She's the reason why my son is everywhere," she states, referring to the tape all the over the Internet. "why aren't you guys doing anything to take down the tape."

"Kaylee, says that she can't take down the tape." I scoffed, "Yeah, she can. It's on things like Instagram and Snapchat, add less the really bad parts are. She can delete them."
Our principal looks at my mom, "I didn't know that." I nodded, "She didn't expect you too," I crossed my arms over my chest, "how do you have a daughter and have no clue about Snapchat and Instagram?" He lowered his head, and my mom pleaded for me to be quiet.

"I know what my son did was wrong, he shouldn't have had sex at that party but people shouldn't be recording that. It's not a game and people shouldn't use videos to blackmail others into doing what they want, that's inconsiderate. Grayson, has done absolutely nothing wrong." I lowered my eyes, clearing my throat. He exchanged eye contact with me, as if wanting me to calm my mom done.

         But I looked away, my mom didn't notice and she continued.

"Clearly, these girls have problems at home that need to be sorted out. Have you called these girl's parents and talked to them? Why are you trying you criticizing and intimidating those girls like you are to my son?"

Our principal tries to come off calm, I grin at how nervous he is around my mom. "I-I was not criticizing or intimidating your son." He exchanges eye contact with em, but I rolled my eyes.
"Kaylee's mother is in Philly, I've been there for like three weeks or so." I say.

He clears his throat, "I tried contacting her parents but they aren't responding. I have left several voicemails, I even tried to get in contact with the hotel Kaylee's parents is staying at."

My mom tossed her hands into the air, "Why the hell are her parents leaving that girl home alone? Their daughter is acting up in school and pulling my son into all kinds of bullshit, while their off having some kind of fucking vacation."
"What makes you think they're on a vacation?" I was trying not to laugh at how uncomfortable she was making our principal. I knew after this if I continued to go to this school, he'd be my bitch until I graduated in order to not have to deal with my mom.

My mother stands up gathering her belongings, "Trust me it's a vacation, her parents notified her that they were going to her hometown but in reality they're getting a break from her. You should know, your a parent." I stand up and follow my mom out of his office.
Kaylee slowly stands up from the row of seats we were waiting on, my mom approached her.

"How dare you?" She stares at her with the most angry I had ever seen. "you should ashamed of yourself." She walks out of the main office, my eyes lingered on Kaylee for a few seconds but then I followed after my mom.

    ♔   ♔    ♔

"Why didn't mom pick me up from class early?" I mopping the floor, "Would you rather have preferred to mop and clean instead of going to school?" I ask, as I stopped mopping and stared at him.
He took of his bag and set in on the stool, "Good, then you can clean the rest of the two weeks." I shoved the mop towards his chest. "Have fun." I went over to watch television.

"Gray, I'm not cleaning. Mom told you to clean so it's your chores." I ignored him, as I scrolled through channels.

Our mom and sister came from downstairs with more cleaning supplies, "Oh good, you want to help your brother clean for his punishment." Our mom handed Ethan glass cleaner, "But......"
"Ethan, you can clean the windows."

"BUT! I didn't even do anything." Ethan argues, Cameron glared at us. "Oh did I say your brother's punishment? Yeah, I almost forgot it's all of you guys' punishment." Our mom grabbed the remote and turned off the television, "How is it our fault? We didn't even do anything." Cameron scoffs.
Our mom looked at the my siblings, "You two didn't tell me about anything about anything that's been going on. You guys stuck together to keep what happened a secret, now you three can stick together and pay for the consequences."

         "That's not fair, we were trying not to piss you off because you work so hardddddd." Ethan whines, our mom rolls her eyes. "If I hear one of you curse again, I'm adding two months to your cleaning."

           Cameron groans, "Thanks a lot, Gray."

"If I hear any bickering between you three, that will also result to two months of cleaning. And if you think that's not so bad, I'll have the three of you going to school wearing the most embarrassing sweaters humanly imaginable."
               "Not the sweaters....."

She laughed, "Oh yes, the sweaters," she zips up her jacket and walks towards the door and grabs her key and her umbrella. "I'm going shopping for a few hours, when I come back this house better be spotless."

        We all nodded.

As soon as our mom left we all looked at each other, "Soooo....." Ethan mumbles, "thelastpersontotouchtherefrigeratoranddrinkawaterbottlethenrunupstairsdoesn'thavetoclean."
I shook my head, "No.... I'm not doing that. I'm exhausted from cleaning there's no way." I focused back on the television, we were all silent. "How cold are the water bottles?" Ethan lowered his eyes and trailed his hands along the back of the sofa, "I don't know, pretty cold."

"Sooooooo, whoever loses has to clean for not only themselves but the other two for two weeks." Cameron mumbles, I adjusted myself on the couch, "Yea, if mom adds two months to the cleaning the loser also has to clean for that period too......."
"Sooooo..." Cameron mumbles.

"Soooooooo, ah mh Gray you mind cleaning for two weeks, you know considering this technically is your fault." I motioned at my throat, "I'll get back to you on that," I stood up, "my throat is a little parched unmm... I think I need a drink some water." I lied, as I slowly walked towards the kitchen.
Ethan laughs, "Yeah, I completely understand you know because the heater is on and everythingggg." He followed me into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle with me. Cameron came into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, "I'm not racing you guys upstairs," she twists her cap back on her bottle. I set my bottle on the counter, feeling somewhat sad.

"its not fair because I've done you guys' chores for weeks." She smiles at us as she leaves.

                    Ethan takes a deep breathe after drinking his cold water bottle, "Yeah, me neither." He leaves me in the kitchen all alone, "Whatever." I muttered to myself.

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