t h i r t y ♔

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two weeks later

a/n: I've decided to skip Halloween because its too late for that, I was suppose to write about but Thanksgiving is in a few days so whatever. I usually don't like to skip days or months in my stories because I would rather have wrote about it, but whatever.

          "I'm sorry hun, we'll be back as soon as we can." Kaylee and Audrey were laying on her bed,  skyping her mother. "And when you plan on coming back? When it's Christmas?" She questioned, but her mother argued with her that plans have changed.
"Kaylee, I'll call you when your father and I are coming back. I have to go." Kaylee shut the the laptop closed without replying back to her mom, I was working on makeup word just beside her, I didn't know what to say to calm her down. "Let's go downstairs." I slid my notebook and work on my lap, and stood up from her bed.

Audrey sat up on the bed, stretching from laying down on her stomach. "C'mon, Kay." She yawns, pinching the back of Kaylee's thighs in hope of getting her attention.
Kaylee didn't laugh like she usually did when Audrey messed around with her, she didn't smile at all or even look up at her friend. She was just staring down at her nails, fiddling them and hiding her face with the strands of her curly hair. "You guys can go, I'll be down there in a minute."

Audrey and I went downstairs, where Ethan and Valerie were sitting on the couch. Val were playing GTA and Ethan was on his phone, either of them paid any attention to us.
"Do you guys wanna go somewhere?" I asked, we've been spending our Friday nights and weekends in Kaylee's house doing nothing. Audrey and me were the only two people who were actually trying to do something, besides lounge around. We were so bored that we pranked called people, played ping pong and tossed marshmallows in each other's mouth from across the room in almost every room in the house.

Audrey gasps with the widest grin on her face, "Let's play truth or dare." I shook my head, "Nah, I'm good." She gritted, with a groan. Ethan and Val were still doing their own thing, ignoring us and each other. "We can drive around and throw water balloons at people."
"Ah, we've already done that." I mumbled, leaning the sofa. "We can use avocado or milk this time." She was determined to do anything that involved embarrassing or annoying others.

I lingered around in the living room, watching my brother play the game. I wasn't really paying attention to Audrey give suggestions about what we could do to cure our boredom.
"We can make people feel awkward at the mall." I shook my head, "Your way of making people feel awkward is by pulling their pants down or following people around the store." Audrey rolled her eyes at me, "Fine.... if you losers need me I'll be on the roof."

                  I laughed, as she ran upstairs to go get Kaylee's father's golf clubs. Ethan paused his game and tossed the xbox remote to Valerie who wasn't quite paying attention. She looked disappointed as Ethan walked away to head upstairs, I stared at her from the end other couch.
"Why are you staring at me?" She mutters, as she tosses the remote back where Ethan was sitting. She knows that I catch her staring at my brother, but she acts as if it was nothing. I looked down at the couch, "I'm gonna go upstairs." I said as I walked away.

Whether or not Valerie wanted to admit it, she was sad when everyone left. She tried so hard to act like things weren't bothering her but they were. I thought she would have turned against Kaylee by now, do anything she could to stop Ethan from hanging around her.
But she hasn't broke yet, I'm hoping that she does because this week has been hell. Ethan and Kaylee were having the time of their lives at the Halloween party, while I bored out of my mind.

Lately, Ethan has been ditching me to hang out with Kaylee while I've been working on bringing my grades up.
No matter how much worked I turned in the next thing I knew there were tests and projects that were coming up. I want to pay attention in class and get good grades but the teachers are boring as hell. I don't like any of them and feel no need to make this teacher and student relationship with them, because they piss me off.

Just last week my History teacher made a comment about me being kicked off the football team, she said that maybe now I could focus on my grades.
And then she decided to insult me more by asking how my coach when let me play with the grade I had in her class, that she's surprised he even let me stay on the team for that long.

What didn't make any sense to me was the fact that my teacher didn't notice my grades drop. It wasn't as if my grades were always bad, matter a fact they were extremely good.
Why else would coach let me play? If my grades were always so bad like she claimed then of course coach would have kicked me off sooner, it didn't take a damn scientist to figure that shit out.

But what I don't understand is how clueless people are, obviously there's a reason why my grades dropped. My English teacher is one of those clueless people who doesn't believe students have a life outside of school.

As if I don't have problems I go through outside of school, and how those issues might be overwhelming and more important than school.
                       My teachers are a bunch of judgmental pricks who think that they know me. My teachers always have something snippy to say, but because they wear a smile on their face I'm suppose to take what they say lightly.

I climbed out of Kaylee's parent's bedroom window, and onto their roof. Audrey was hitting golf balls and watching them land in the pool, "Hey." She smiled at me, I smiled back. "Wanna use Kaylee's parents' clothes to dress up as a man and a woman. Then go to the mall and have you try on women's clothing and ask the employee if it looks good on you? You know.... to see if they notice that you're not a woman?" She rambled on, I thought about it.

                Audrey walked towards me, "Or we can both dress up in Veronica's clothing and see who guys think is hotter."
           It all sounded pretty funny, "I rather do the first one," she gathers Kaylee's father's golf clubs and put them back in the bag. "I'll do it just as long as you don't make me wear pantyhose." She rolled her eyes, "Then you're shaving your legs, Gray."

                  She climbed back into the window, as I followed behind her. "They won't notice." But she just laughs at me, "Ah, they will!"

a/n: thanks for 1k votes!!!!😊😊😊

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