th i r t y ♔ f i v e

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"Who wants to explain exactly what is going on here?" We all began talking at the same time, arguing back and forth. Our principal ringed a small dong on his desk, "Let me rephrase that," he sets folds his hands and places him on his desk. "why don't you all individually tell me what happened."
He turns to face Kaylee, who's sitting with her legs crossed. "These two," she turns herself in her seat and points at Valerie and me. "Accused me of being a slut."

Our principal looks at her, "Instead of saying the word slut why don't you say a non-lady like person." Kaylee rolled her eyes, "That makes no sense whatsoever but okay. They posted a video of me without my permission, isn't that legal or something?"
Val snorted, "You posted a video of Grayson, an hour to be exact, right before we posted a video of you." Our principal turned to face Val, "I didn't say it was your turn to speak," he looks at me, "Grayson."

Valerie frowned, motioning her arms back and forth between Kaylee and I. It was her turn to speak but our principal skipped her because she interpreted Kaylee.
"Honestly, I'm the victim here. I didn't do anything, clearly these girls have some sort of conflict going on between them that doesn't involve me.... so can I go?" Kaylee leans forward to look past Valerie and over at me. "No, you're staying."

Valerie turns to face our principal, "No, Grayson is right this doesn't even involve him. The reason why all of this spiraled out of control is because of Kaylee and I."
Kaylee crossed her arms over her chest, she wasn't planning on taking responsibility for anything. "Why the heck is Brooke not here?" She mutters.

I hadn't realized it before but she was right, ever seen the videos went viral Brooke has been nowhere to be found. Sure, she got a lot of shit from being in the video with me but she wasn't in the principal's office right now.

"Is that true?" Kaylee sighed at our principal's question. "Yeah, its true." She mutters, refusing to even look my way. Our principal excuses me from his office but tells me to wait in the main office, he wasn't letting me off so easy.
I honestly didn't care I would rather sit in the office than be in class. Our principal told the women behind the counter, working at her desk that it was alright for me to wait there so that I wouldn't get in trouble. I placed my hands in my lap, glaring around the silent room.

I knew my mother was going to get involved and I didn't know how I was going to tell her what happened. My sister would most likely get in trouble as well, for not telling our mom what happened sooner.
            After about twenty minutes of sitting I began to slowly fall asleep, I heard the principal's door open but I was too tired to open my eyes. Kaylee sat down beside me, on her phone. I slowly open my eyes and looked at her, and then crossed my arms and slouched in my seat.

                            "How long did you know that you were pregnant?" I whispered. She stopped texting and looked at me, "Two weeks ago." I assumed it happened a few days after Ethan and I found the pregnancy test in her bathroom.
             "What are you planning on doing? You know since your parents might kick you out of the house?" She looked sad, but I wasn't going to give her any of my sympathy.

                           "Probably, leave." She whispers, lowering her head. I knew what she meant when she said that, she would go to Philly. "You can't your underage." I replied, neither of us were really looking at each other. Our eyes were either stating forward or avoiding eye contact with none another.
       "At this point I really don't care." She looks over at me and goes back to focusing on her phone. I stopped talking to her because it was clear that she was done talking to me.

                       Valerie came out of the office, and I went in. Our principal stared at me from his desk as I closed the door, the look on his face made it obvious that I was in for it. "I remember when I was a young man,"

             Oh god.

I sat down in my seat, "When was that? 72?" He grinned at my sarcasm, "Close but its actually 74." I smiled back, "Mmh."
                         Our principal stood up, "You know, Grayson I have a daughter." I look up at him as he walked behind him, "With all do respect I'm not interested in your daughter," I motioned my hands around as if I was searching for an explanation. "because it would be too weird, you know with her father being the principal and all."

             He sits on his desk, "You're funny, I can see why those two girls were fighting over you," he simply states. "your handsome."

                     I grinned at him, "Those girls were fighting over something that didn't involve me." Our principal's smile disappears as he leans in closer to me.

"Listen, I don't like you. If my daughter liked you, I would ground her until she was eighteen. Do you want to know why?" I stared at him, "Why?" I grinned.
              "Because you don't have any respect for women." I laughed, "Wow, okay! I don't have respect for women, alright," I shrugged it off, "I mean you're the principal so your automatically right."

He leans back and I rolled my eyes, "Your not intimidating me." He stares at me, and I stand up. "I'm not going to sit here and get treated like shit for something I had no control of. So, if you want to suspend me or whatever go ahead I'm done caring." I grabbed my bag and left.

      Kaylee stood up, "Grayson." I held up my hand in her face, "Leave me the hell alone."

1-800-SLUT  ❦    G.D   ❦   COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin