t w e n t y ♔ n i n e

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        a/n: the song is meant for the second half the chapter (you know after the       ) If the song isn't playing then the song is called Pretty Wings by Maxwell, if you don't know the song you should look it up because its good.


                    "Son of a bish."

I giggled a little, "I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing." Kaylee glared over at me, and I tried to keep a straight face. Valerie was crouched forward, with her hands on her eyes sounding like she was about to cry.
                           "Yeah, you shouldn't be! This is all your freaking fault!" She shouts. Audrey  was was driving Val's wagon in circles around us to get the smoke out of the car. It wasn't exactly the most safest thing to do, but come on it was Audrey we're talking about here.

            "It's not my fault you laughing with you eyes and mouth open." I tried to keep a straight face when I said that, but Valerie just flipped me off in response. She whooshed her hands at Phoebe, "Ask Siri --" and I had to turn my head away to keep from bursting into laughter, Val mugged me but I took a moment to calm myself down.
                                    "Like I was saying, ask Siri if I can get some sort of eye infection from getting sprayed in the eyes by a jackass."

I pointed at my chest, "How am I the jackass? Last time I checked Kaylee also sprayed you." She messed around with her hair, "It was an accident."
Val nodded as she rubbed her eyes, "Yeah, sure it was." I wasn't even going to argue with this girl. "Gosh, if you guys wanted me to roll down the windows why didn't you just ask." We all stared at her blankly, Kaylee walked up to her friend.

"Do you want to get your ass left out here?" She was joking, but Valerie pushed her back. "Stop trying to bully me." Kaylee rolled her eyes, "From now on you aren't allowed to smoke." Valerie shouted, "But it's my car!"
         "It won't be if I tell your parents your smoking." Kaylee stared at her, "Whatever, just take me to go get some Indian food.... That's the least you and Gray could do considering you sprayed me in the face with Febreze." Ethan chimed in, "Hold on, I'm going home to take a shower. I smell like weed, but you guys are gonna bring me something back."

                    Valerie rubbed her eyes, pouting and sighing. I tried to get Audrey's attention to stop driving in circles around us, "Oh my gosh." I muttered, as continued to drive. Kaylee sighs, "I know what an idiot."

       "May I remember you that, that's your friend."

  ♔  ♔  ♔

Since it was technically the weekend, we dropped Ethan off out our house while the girls and I go us some food.
Our house wasn't anywhere near the Indian restaurant that Valerie wanted to go to, and I haven't realize that I would regret tagging along until I sat ten minutes in the car listening to them sing. "I swear to freaking gosh, if I hear one more song that's remotely related to sex I'ma throw myself out this car."

"Awe, Kaylee your boyfriend is doing it again! Make it stop!" I rolled my eyes, Kaylee placed her hand on my lap. "Oh, baby what do you want to listen too?" I knew she was teasing me, "Maybe a song that actually has meaning."
Valerie looked over her shoulder at me from the passenger's seat, "Awe, your just like my mom.... every time I get in the car she's always playing the old music." I placed my elbow on the window ledge, "Can you please not tell me your whole life story and just put a long on."

                      Audrey was suppose to be driving but she kept looking over at Valerie's playlist. She began singing and doing everything but really focusing on the road, I couldn't lie her singing was actually really good.   
           Kaylee joined Audrey and began singing, as Valerie searched for a song. I was going to tell her to stop tossing her head side to side because she almost hit me in the face with her hair. Just I remained silent, it was the happiest I had seen the girls all day.

I tried not to laugh as Kaylee looked over and was singing to me, it was cute.

  ♔  ♔  ♔

              I got back home in decent time, Ethan's food wasn't super cold like I was expecting it to be. The girls insisted to come in and hang out, I figured it didn't matter so I let them.
        Ethan was sitting on couch when we came in, he was watching television with his arm resting along the back of the couch. Kaylee sat down beside him, he insisted to move his arm but he didn't. "Wanna go somewhere?"

Valerie gave me a look, as the rest of us sat down on the furniture. Ethan shook his head, "I'm actually going to stay in tonight...." Audrey set his food on the coffee table, awkwardly. "Hey, Kaylee why don't we all do something? You know your friends and your boyfriend."
Kaylee adjusted herself on the couch, "What do you guys wanna do?" I stood up, "Well, I'm going to bed." I didn't care that Kaylee was all over my brother, I was going upstairs to text Brooke anyways.

"You kids have fun."

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