s e v e n t e e n ♔

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Just a few hours later, I was doing my homework when the door bell rung. The guys left and Ethan and Cameron were in their rooms. I stood up from the stool at the island and went to answer the door, and just like I expected Kaylee was standing outside with her arms crossed.

"Why are your dildo friends talking to my friends?" Kaylee demanded an answer but I couldn't take her seriously with that insult.

"Dildo?" I frowned, in confusion.

She pushed herself in, nearly knocking me over. I tried to keep my cool but she was really pissing me off, and she hasn't even been here for five minutes. Kaylee was walking around my house as if she was searching for something, "Isn't it a little late for you to be here?"
She turns towards me, "It's 9:30, what do I look like a little kid?"

I laughed at how ridiculous she was being. "Some people actually think 9:30 is pretty fucking late to be up and going over to people's house assuming shit."

"Who's assuming shit?" She laughs, but of course she didn't find this conversation funny she was just irritated. "So, you mean to tell me that you only came over here to bother me about why my friends were talking to your's? That's bullshit."
She sighed, "Is she here?"

I crossed my arms, "Yeah, Kaylee... Brooke's laying in my bed right now as speak waiting for me so can you hurry up." And she rolled her eyes, "Has Brooke been over here since the last time?" She questions, referring to when she showed up to my house.
I shook my head, "Why would she be? We can't have people seeing Brooke coming over to my house." Kaylee ran her fingers through her long curly hair, "Good." She smiled at me, and I smiled back.

Cameron cane out into the living room rubbing her eyes, "Hey, Brooke." She yawned, as she walked past us and into the kitchen. I cupped my hand over my mouth and eyes widened, Shit.

Kaylee's eyebrows furrowed, wondering if she heard my sister correctly. "Did she just call me Brooke?" She turned to face me and I stare down at her, I glared over Kaylee's shoulder and my sister was teasing me. She had her arms widened out and her head tilted as if she didn't intentionally try to call her Brooke.

"She said bye Kay." I lied. I had to admit it was the worst lie and clearly I wasn't the only one who thought so, because Kaylee followed my sister into the kitchen.

"You meant to say Kaylee, right?" Kaylee smiles weakly at my sister. I followed after Kaylee and stood behind her trying to get my sister's attention, don't do it I mouthed at Cameron. My sister tilt her head and placed her index finger on her chin, trying to think and she was making things worse.

"I'm prettier than Brooke, so there shouldn't be any confusion between us." Kaylee explains, with a slight nervous smile. My sister laughs a little as if she's embarrassed by her mistake but when her flicker at me, I know she's doing this intentionally.
         "Of course," Cameron smiles, "how could I never get you and Brooke confused?" Kaylee smiles back at her, and Cam walks away awkwardly. "She doesn't like me." Kaylee claims, once she's sure my sister is gone.

                "Why would you say that?"

She shrugs as she turns towards me, "I know don't, she just looks so displeased whenever I'm around. Did you tell her something? Because if you did --"

                            "What would I tell her? That my girlfriend really isn't my girlfriend and is really blackmailing me to date her, just so that she can keep her popularity? Nope I haven't." She grabbed my jaw and smiled at me, "Aren't you just adorable."
         I smiled at her, as she squeezed my cheek one last time and then released my jaw. "Can you stop doing that, I'm not a little kid."

                 She slid her hair back, "I'll stop doing that when you stop making smart ass remarks."

                     She leaned against the counter, "Can you come back to my place and spend the night with me?" I chuckled as an excuse to quickly think of a way out this one, "I can't."

         "Why?" She pouts, moving closer to me. "Mmh, my parents don't want me out on school nights."

             Her mood changes, "Tell your mom that I said hi, because I haven't heard from her in weeks." I nodded, "Sure." She wrapped her arms around my neck, "Can I add less stay over until my parents get back?"

                   "Remember what happened last time you were over?"

                                "Yeah, your mom nearly lost it," she kissed me and grinned, "we weren't even doing anything." I smiled down at her, and she was about to lean in and kiss me again until her phone vibrated. She quickly removed her arms from around my neck and pulled her phone out of her back pocket.
             Her smile quickly disappeared and she looked as if she had seen a ghost.

"HOW about I come over tomorrow night?" I only suggested that because I wanted to have more time to search for the tape. I knew by her facial expression that she would be too distracted by whatever came up, that she would forget all about wanting to come over tomorrow night.
                      She stared down at her phone, with her thumbs hovering over the screen. Someone with an unknown caller ID was calling and all she did was stand there, stared to deaf.

          "Who's that?" I ask, as I pretended to lean forward to look at her screen. Kaylee quickly removed her phone to her chest, and I stared at her wondering if she was going to tell me the truth or lie to my face.

                         At first I thought she didn't know that I saw her screen until she said, "It's nobody, it's just my dad."

              "Your dad?" I repeat, raising an eyebrow. I wanted her to hear the tension in my tone and realize that I knew that she was lying, but instead she continued to play it off. "Yeah, why do you not believe me?" She asks, as the phone continued to vibrate.
She leaned forwards me and kissed my cheek, "I gotta go." She mumbles, as she headed for the kitchen.

I stood in the same spot she left me for a few seconds, not understanding why she didn't tell me who was really calling her. I took a deep breathe, then glared down at the kitchen tilted floor.
Kaylee was already gone by the time I went to the door, I didn't even get to see her car drive off into the distance.

And that's when it dawned on me, Kaylee was hiding something. And whatever she was hiding would be my key to ending my relationship with her.

a/n: thanks for 10k reads! 💕💕

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