Don't You Dare!(Thranduil x Reader)

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You tugged at Lindir's sleeve. He looked at you and smiled softly, eyes full of love and care for his only sister. He cupped your face in his big hands, gently tilting your chin up. One hand caressed your cheek and the way he looked at you made you blush. You cast your head down to hide your feelings, but Lindir knew you too well.

"Sweet sister...what are you so afraid of?" He used your nickname.

Your face was burning red and you took his hands into yours. He rubbed your knuckles in an attempt to calm you down, which he succeeded in doing. You leaned into his touch as he hugged you, drawing circles onto your back and murmuring soothing words into your ears. You whimpered and hugged him closer to you.

Lindir made an 'oof' sound due to the sudden tightening around his chest and he laughed softly.

"Y-you are going to leave me," you said to him, head still buried in his chest.

"No, I am not. We will go to meet Lord Elrond for a while. He said he wanted to discuss something with me."

You whimper again and he held you close.

"B-but I am not needed there..."

"No, you go everywhere I go. I will not ever leave you. I promise you with my life."

He then put a hand over his chest, smiling down at you. You admitted to yourself long ago that your brother was a handsome ellon. The people here all love him, obsess over him, even. Though he hardly paid any attention to any of them. He would smile at them and walk away. All of his attention went to you. You are his number one priority, which you were thankful for, but it also made you feel guilty. He would never find his mate if he was always stuck with you.

"It is not good to make such promise to me, Lindir."

"Really," he wriggled his eyebrows to tease you.

You laughed and smacked his arm lightly. He chuckled and put an arm over your shoulder.

"Let us depart, sister."


"The Mirkwood royals are going to pay a visit due to our agreement of a tied alliance between Mirkwood and Rivendell. We are going to hold a feast in their honor," Elrond started the conversation.

"When will they be arriving?"

Elrond hesitated before he answered, "In two days."

"Two days?"

Lindir was as astonished as you were. Two days was a short time to prepare a big feast.

"Yes," Elrond nodded gravely towards Lindir.

You patted your brother's shoulder to soothe him. He coughed and you could see a tear at the corner of his eye. Being an important person in Rivendell, he happened to be the one who organized the feasts that would be held. Now, he only had two days to prepare a feast fit for the most troublesome elves in Middle Earth.

"All will be well, brother, I will help you."

"Th-thank you," he managed to breathe out.

"If that is all, my Lord, I will take my leave now."

Elrond just watched over you and Lindir as both of you walked out. He then chuckled and shook his head.

"Such twins. You do not see one without the other close by."


The feast was a grand affair. White curtains with golden lace at the bottom hung down the dais. The feast tables all covered with a green, silk cloth. The silver cutlery glittering under the warm light, not a speck of dust sat on top of them. The food and wine were fresh and warm. The smells lingered in the air and made your stomach grumble.

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