The Lost Jewel (Thranduil & Reader)

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For LightElsa

Hopes it's to your liking. Forgive me if it's not reach your expectations!

Thranduil was having a day with his beloved family. It's not everyday that he got an off day and time to indulge himself with his family of three. His wife passed away as soon as she gave birth to his children.

Yes, children.

His beloved wife gave him twins.

It was not an easy task to be a king and a single father to a twin. Even though he have many servants and subjects to help him in taking care of his children, he preferred to do it himself.

The loss of his wife hit him harder than he thought.

He mourned and grief for weeks until he remembered that he have children to be taking care of. Bless Galion for looking after his children while he was drowning in grief. He still blames himself for his lack of self preservation. Grieving was no excuse for him to abandon his newly born children.

"My King...please. You need to stop this." Said Galion as he approached te grieving King.

Thranduil body was racked with sobs as he gazed out of the window. A pure white dress in hands.

"Leave me be Galion. I just lost my wife!" He gritted the words out.

"I know My King. And the kingdom is grieving with you. But you need to remember, that there are more that need your attention than having you moping around in self pity."

Anger burnt in his chest when he heard Galion talked to him like that. What could an elf that does not even married knew about losing his wife?!

He seized Galion by the collar and pinned the elf to the wall. "How dare you speak such way with me." He hissed.

Galion, already knew the way of his King seemed unfazed. "You have twins to be taking care of My King."

The sentence broke Thranduil out of his rage. "Twins?" He sounded confused. He slowly let go of Galion.

"Yes My King." He straightened up his robes. "Your children. You do remember of them right? You still haven't named them yet."

Memory rushed to him. Yes, yes. His wife gave birth to twins. Yes, his children.

"Mel-mellamin. Please...take a good care of them. Pp-promise me." The voice of his late wife rang in his head.

"Oh-oh." He fell to his knees. Tears slowly filled his eyes. "Oh Galion, hiw could I forgot about them? My little jewels." 

Galion watched his King with sympathy. "Fret not My King, they are in the good care of my sister. Come, let me show you the way. "


He stood there like a frozen statue. There was two cribs in front of him. His children. He walked towards the cribs slowly, afraid if his footsteps would wake them up.

One of the twins wrapped in a blue blanket while the other one wrapped in fuschia coloured blanket. One boy and one girl. A sad smile crept on his face. Oh how beautiful they are.

The boy have a tuff of golden hair while the girl have thick (H/C) hair. They were asleep so he couldn't see their eye colours.

He planted a kiss on both of his children foreheads as he named them.

"Legolas and (Y/N), my little jewels."

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