Je Te Pardonne (Part Two)

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At last, for the coming sense. This is all what I could come out with for the "Reunion." I'm so sorry if it's not to your liking. Enjoy and have a good day!

He was shaken off of his dream when something, or rather a person shaking him to wake up. He groaned loudly when a blinding light bursted into his vision. The room he was in was painted in white and smelled like disinfectants. He realised that he was in a hospital room. He bolted upright in his sit as he clumsily brushed off his long blonde hair with his fingers. He then noticed that there was a nurse standing by his side looking slightly concern by his wellbeing.

"I'm so sorry to wake you up in this ungodly hours but I need you to leave the room. There is another patient coming in." She said.

Why would she need to clean up the room? And another patient? What about his sister-oh. Now he realised that the bed in front of his now empty of it's occupant.

"Where-where is she?" He pointed to the bed.

"She already been discharged. "

He was taken aback by her answer. Discharged?

"Discharged?! But with her injuries, she should be in here for observation."

The nurse just gave him a pained smile.

"She insisted. Beside, her injuries would be fine as long as she's not moving too much. The stiches can be taken off in any clinics."

His face twisted into disbelief and pain. He just met his sister after years of abandoning her and now he lost her again!

He didn't give the nurse any thanks before he ran off the hospital. The streets were dark and barely filled with people. Considering that most of the people still sound asleep at the moment. The sun shyly peeking through the clouds. Casting a warm glows on him. His breath visible in the cold air of November. He buried his nose into his blue knitted scarf to keep him warm.

He's gerting worried thinkin on his sister wandering around in this kind of weather. Wih her garbs barely covering her from this cold harsh wind. Tears prickled his eyes. He prayed to God to keep his sister safe. He ran and trying to search for his sister's figure.

After a good 10 minutes of running he still didn't see his sister. Where did she goes? He stopped running to catch his breath.  His nose red and chest heaving. The tears that he tried so hard to keep them in bay spilled onto his cheeks.

It's all his fault. If he didn't believe what his parents said, none of this would happen. Why is the Fate is so cruel towards him, to his sister? He slowly slid down the pavement and cried.

"Do not cry Thranduil."

"Huh?" His head jerked when he heard that voice.

There standing beside him, holding his shoulder ws his sister. With one eye covered with medical eyepatch and stitches running down her face. He know it pained her to smile but she still gave him the smile he used to receive when be was younger.

Another sob racked through his body before he pulled her into his warm embrace.


You just chuckled weakly. You caressed his hair. "Now, now brother dear. Do be careful, my ribs are still hurting me."

Thranduil quickly pulled away, afraid of hurting his sister even more.

"You-you why did you ran away?! You should still be in hospital! You couldn't possibly live in the streets in the states like this!" He cupped her face.

Your eyes softened even more when you heard how distressed he sounded just now. "I've had worse Thranduil. I'll survive." You told him.

More tears spilled. "You, stupid. Don't you know how worry I am?! I-I missed you so much! I finally found you and then, you just disappeared from my grasp!" He gripped your hands tightly.

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