I wanna share...

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Hello people! Today I watched Thor Ragnarok and I think you know what I mean! The film was freaking awesome! Oh me gosh! I won't spoil anything here. There was a major plot twist in there! And I cried at one point, you'll get what I mean when you watch it.

The film made me hyper! It made me laugh! Many times. I'm still high from the film.

Loki...if you read what Tom said about Loki development in Thor Ragnarok, it's more to Loki and Thor building their relationship all over again despite the fray line between them both.

I'm still blaming Odin for all the problems. He kept so many secrets from his family.

Loki is far more mischievous and less evil in this. I love him. That guy is a sweet cinnamon roll. Too bad his scenes are far lesser than Thor. Granted that Thor is the main character but Loki...I want more of Loki.

And there is Ben! My other cinnamons roll!

Oh gosh, my babies in one film is too much for me!

I hope you guys get the chance to watch it. You won't regret it!

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