Bring Your Child at Work Day. (Daddy!loki x reader)

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You had actually arrived. You never thought that the spell actually worked.

But you don't know where you are.

The city was in a chaotic situation. You wished to be at your father's side but looked like the spell had gone a bit wrong. It is indeed Midgard and yet there was no sign of your father.

The people of the city that called as New York were screaming at the top of their lungs in panic. Fears. You saw one of the colourful box that said 'Welcome To Manhattan' creating a sparks at the corner of it. The sky scraping buildings shook as explosion occured within it. You do not know what to do so you just stood there in the middle of bustling people.

They ran to find a place that could protect them from the falling debris and the shooting beams. A loud screeching sound rang in the sky as a group of metallic like creatures surfing the sky. Blue lasers beams shot out of their constraption.

One of the running people ran into you. Knocking you down of your feet. You yelped in pain as your butt met the hard ground. The man does not apologised for his action but kept running into a two stories building.

You scowled and get up. You hissed when you saw your bleeding palms. You followed the people entering the building. Apperantly it was a library. You gawked at the sight but the crowding people pushed you into the middle of the circle. Huddling together.

There was a sound of a window crash at the second floor. The metallic creature leaned over the railing and threw something small and beeping, accompanied by a blue light. Suddenly the small thing exploded in the air and the preassure sent you flying out of building. You back hit something sturdy. It was a man in a tight clothe. Coloured in red, blue and white. He wore a mask over his upper face and holding something that resemble a shield.

Steve p.o.v

I was fighting the chitauri. The creature came from the portal and started destroying the city. Suddenly a building exploded from behind, halting me for a while.

And then something crashed against my legs. I looked down to see a small girl that barely reach five in a small green puffy gown. She blinked her eyes furiously as she tried to clear her vision. She had a (H/C) hair that tied into a bun with a small charred flower crown adorned her small head.

I knelt down and put my shield on the ground. I held her small shaking frame and bring her closer to me. She opened her eyes and revealed a nice shade of green.

"Who are you?" she asked me.

I was shocked to hear that she could speak fluently despite her age.

"I am Captain America." She squinted her eyes and looked around. The sound of blaring alarms and shooting deafening me a bit. I realised that there was no trace of fear in that little girl eyes.

"Why are the people screaming and what is that flying thing?" she pointed to the chitauri that were flying on their vehicles.

"There are the bad guys. They attacked us to conquered the world. I will bring you to safety. Now hold on tight." I said as I cradle her and ran towards the Stark tower.

"B-but I came here to find my father!" she said as she clutching to my suit.

What does she mean she 'came'?

"Don't worry. I will see you to your father when all of this over."

"Alright. I hold on your words." There was something about this child that remind me of someone.

When we arrived at the Stark tower, I quickly entered the elevator.

"Jarvis, bring us to my floor."

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