Chapter 1

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Rain woke to the sound of growling, AGAIN, but that's what you get when you live in the pack house of the biggest pack of were-wolves. She walked out of her calm room and into the motion filled hallway to see two males fighting, like always. Rain just rolled her eyes and carefully walked past them. When the boys FINALLY stopped rough-housing, they realized Rain had past them. They quickly jumped up and raced after Rain into the kitchen.

"Morning Princess!" One of the guys seemed to bark.

"Morning Luke, Justin." Rain nodded to both boys and opened the stainless steal double fridge ,only to find it empty. "How is it that a house of 36 werewolves go through 3 things of deer and other meat in just 3 days?!?" Rain asked Luke and Justin. Both boys just shrugged and grabbed some jerky from a near by cupboard.

"How is it that you only eat 2 meals a day and still not be hungry?" Luke asked. Justin smirks at his smart comeback. "Easy." She answered. "I eat till I'm full."

Rain flicked Luke's nose has she had past him. He winced and playfully glared at his house mate while she placed herself next to his brother. Justin smirked victoriously towards Luke and leaned into Rains smaller shoulder. His hair seemed to tickle her bare arm as she starred ruffling his hair.

"Hey Rain wanna come with me, Luke, Josh, and Mario on a two day hunt tomorrow?" Justin questioned as he tried to escape her reach. Rain laughed as she tried once again the ruffle Justin's hair.

"Your kidding right?" Both boys smirked. "If he was kidding, Mario, Josh and myself wouldn't be going." Luke jokes as he reaches out and successfully ruffles Justin's golden blonde hair.

"But you guys know I can't shift. We don't even know if I'm a werewolf." Rain looked down at her lap, feeling a deep knot form in her stomach. Luke and Justin looked at each other until Mario spoke up while he entered the dinning room.

"That don't matter. You can still come with us." Luke tried to reason as he walked around and hugged the two from behind. Justin then shifted in his seat to face Rain with in excited look in his eyes. "You can use a spare weapon or just tag along, it would be better than spending the day inside like you normally do."

Luke then shoved his brother away and snatched Rain out of her seat and carried her into the living room. Justin grunts as he falls to the floor but quickly follows the pair into the living room and flouncing onto a near by two-person couch. Continuing their conversation, Luke asks.

"Do you want to come with? We can pack some camping stuff and this might be the time where we figure out what you are." Justin looks over and when Rain meets his gaze, he's got those damn puppy dog eyes. She scoffs but shyly smiles, deciding that getting out of the house for two days would do her some good. Before she can answer, the other two members of the hunting party burst through the front door, a heated argument pressing on between them. As their seemingly hurtful remarks fly between them, the party of three in the living room cough to get their attention. Mario and Josh but flush and make their way over to the others.

"Hello boys," Luke greets as the pair find places to sit on a matching set of chairs, "how was practice?" Mario rolls his eyes as Josh looks toward Justin. "It went well." They mutter in unison. Before another word can be said, Rain stands and claps her hands together.

"How about we go outside? I could sure get some practice in with my bow and you two can wrestle your problems away while Luke and Justin watch." All four boys excitingly race outside at the mention of wrestling as it was their favorite way to end disputes between themselves. As she shakes her head, Rain follows before remembering to grab her shoes.

As she makes her way outside, four rather large wolves sit in a circle. Two almost the same shade of brown suddenly walk a little further away as the remaining blonde and gray lay in waiting. Deciding she didn't much care or see which of the twins was victorious, Rain walks over to a little shed and looks around for something she can use to practice hunting. She soon stumbled across a clear hunting bow, the string still attached but missing its arrows. She looks around an old bookshelf before finding them just out of reach on the top shelf. As she struggles to acquire the arrows, the wolves have found their victor as Mario pins Josh.

Returning to the boys with her newly acquired arrows, after majorly failing, Rain finds a good practice target in a nearby tree and sets up to start practicing. As she takes her stance, the boys gather behind her, anxious to see how well her first time is. The arrow shoots through the air but misses the tree and lands with a thump in the ground behind said tree. Rain's face flush's a bright red as she turns to face the wolves. She gives them a weak smile before they all nod and urge her to try again. Setting off to retrieve the arrow, Luke shifts back to try and aid the poor girl.

"Keep your toes pointed towards the house, left your elbow up to your chin." Luke called out as Rain digs the arrow out. Once she reclaims her lost arrow, Rain turns and heads back to try again. Rain followed his orders. She placed the arrow in its proper place and shot, this time hitting the tree but not exactly where she was aiming. She smiled and went to thank Luke but was suddenly tackled by the others who slobbered her face with warm kisses.

"Guys st-stop!" Rain tries to say in between giggles. They continue before giving her a minute to catch her breath. She lays there for a while before sitting up and rubbing each one of then in between the ears. Once each wolf had a good scratch, Rain quickly stands and gets ready to practice more.

"Thanks for helping me Luke" Rain calls to the man watching the small group of wolves tackle each other. He smiles and nods his head before shifting once again and joins the others in a wrestling pile of wolf.

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