Chapter 2

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Rain practiced a little more before being called inside by Justin who had noticed dusk was slowing creeping up on them. Gathering her arrows Rain followed the remaining wolves inside and made her way to her small bedroom to ditch her equipment before running back down stairs to wait for dinner. Unlike other packs, the pack of

"Thanks for agreeing to come hunting with us. The twins and Justin can get out of hand." Luke smiled. Rain smiled while she reached out and rubbed his check. He nuzzled into her touch and said. "You know I love you right?" Rain nodded, to tired to speak. Her smile never leaving her face. Luke smiled and leaned down to kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight princess." Luke got up but stopped when Rain tugged on his wrist.

"Please stay." Rains eyes begging him to stay. Luke just nodded and laid next to her. "Just until you fall asleep okay?" Luke asked. Rain simply nodded and snuggled up next to him.

~In the morning~

Rain woke up cold. She feels the place next to her where the bed once held a werewolf. Rain opened one eye only to snap it shut as the suns raise peering out of her curtains blinded her. She sit up and stretches. She feels her stiff muscles relaxing. Rain looks over at the time. Rain sits there a minute before realizing the time and quickly gets up, and rushes to get ready for the hunt. Being worried would be an understatement. Rain is to excited to care at this point. After taking a rushed shower, brushing her hair and teeth, Rain bursts into the hallway and runs down stairs to see the others already ready and waiting.

"Morning Princess." Luke greeted as she hugged him.

"Morning Luke, everyone ready?" The others nodded and headed outside behind the pack house. Rain followed but walked over to the weapon station to grab her bow and some arrows. She then headed over the small group of wolves and they set out to the huge forest behind the pack's house.

After walking through some brush and coming to a clearing, the others split up while Luke stayed with Rain. The twin blonde wolves quickly returned with good sized rabbits. A good start to the hunt.

~Time skip to later in the evening~

Once the sun had set and the moons glow shined over the small clearing, the group decided to call it a night.

"Good-night boys." Rain yawns as she gives the wolves a nice scratching. The wolves nodded at her and quickly feel asleep. Tired from the days hunting.

Rain was just about to fall asleep when she heard a rustle behind her. Rain peered over the log she was leaning against and saw two glowing red eyes staring right into her soul. Rain froze until the thing moved closer. One the creature came into the dying light of the fire she saw it was an all black wolf with red eyes. He had bleeding wounds covering his body. He was limping and look he gave Rain said it all. Please help me. Something in Rain's heart told her it was okay but her mind screamed it was a bad idea. Rain got up careful not to wake the 4 sleeping wolves around her and jumped over the log. When she landed she peered once again over the log, making sure her four companions did not hear her leave. She slowly walked over to the injured animal and slowly stuck her hand out so she could help him. The wolf limped over to Rain and immediately rubbed his face in her hand. When he was in front of her she sat on her knees so the wolf could lay down and rest while she fixed him up. The wolf laid his head in her lap and brought his bloody paw up, asking her to clean it first. While Rain was fixing him up she noticed two things. 1 he had the faded markings of an alpha and 2 he wasn't apart of her pack.

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