Chapter 7

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Rains POV

I wake up before Colen, and I notice the he is human form, and I'm not! I jump up and land on Colen's arm. He shot up and nearly jumped off the couch. Once he had calmed down from my little surprise attack,  he looks down at me in his lap and frowns. I'm still in this werecat form.

"Rain, I'm sorry. I really don't know what we are going to do about this. I've never heard of werecats,"

Colen went into thought and without realizing, petting me. I let out a loud purr and nuzzled up against his hand. I looked up at Colen and noticed his smile.

"One thing I will say about this is that you are just to cute!" 

He brought me up to his face and nuzzled his nose against my furry head. I let out a small meow and nuzzled him back. I heard the door slam open, and I see Cloud standing there looking around for ether me, or her brother.

"Colen, wheres Rain?"

Cloud looked up sadly at her brother.

"She went out on a run, you just missed her, sorry Cloud."

I looked up at Colen with a WTF?!? face. He ignored my looked and tried hiding me from her wondering eyes. Clouds face went from, sad to horror when she noticed her brother was telling the 'truth'. I felt horrible. Clouds eyes glazed over and I felt I had jump out of Colen's arms and make her feel better, but I'm guessing that's not what Colen wants me to do.

"How about when Rain gets back, I'll tell her you stopped by, OK?"

Clouds face brightened with excitement. The glaze from her eyes immediately disappears. She nodded before heading back outside. I looked at Colen but he set me down back on the couch and left. I fellowed him to the door and jumped onto the windowsill. I watched him follow Cloud inside the pack house.

Colen still isn't back and its been about 3 hours. I'm worried something happened with him an his parents because they don't see eye to eye. I had moved from the windowsill to my bed upstairs because my cat instincts kicked in and a nap sounded wonderful. When I woke up from my 2 hour nap, Colen still wasn't back. And now as the fourth hour rolls by, I start to get dizzy. Before I know it, everything becomes black, and I fall into unconsciousness.

Colens POV

I placed Rain on the couch and follow Cloud inside. I think I might know a way to change Rain back, but its risky and no one has done it before, well at least no werewolf has, but anyway. I tell Cloud to go play with the other pups while I head to the library. She nods and heads down the hall to the left, I head to the right and walk through the the double doors, into the library.

Rains POV
I wake up and I have changed!!
Just then Coleen burst through the door, once he saw me he smiled and howled in happiness. He ran up and hugged me yelling "YOU'VE CHANGED!" I almost fell back but lucky he just hugged me. I smiled and hugged him. "I did change" I looked at him, "but how and why?" Im pretty sure my eyes said I was pleading.

Hey guys!! So sorry about the LONG wait but here it is, I am still having writers block but it isn't as bad anymore. I haven't checked reads in a while but it seems like a lot!!

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