Chapter 8

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Rains POV

Colen looked at me and his smile fell from his face.

"I'm not sure, I thought I found a way but when I came back, you already changed." Colen looked down at a bag he had. Wait? When did he get a bag?

Before I could ask, Colens head shot up and his eyes flooded horror. He turned around and dashed out of the house, ditching his bag at the door. I tried running after him but he was to fast and ran straight into the pack house. Curse his werewolf abilities. I stopped, out of breath, and when I turned to return the cabin, two wolves where in my way. One was an ashy gray and one dark almost black brown. These two looked like two from my pack but the way they acted said otherwise. I felt homesickness bubble in my stomach. One wolf snarled while the other pushed me towards the house and they both started walking behind me. As we got closer to the pack house, an uneasy feeling took homesickness place in my gut.

Once we were in the house, the wolves changed back. Their faces looked similar. They both had pointy chins and side burns. I tried to say something but they grabbed my arms and lead me upstairs. Colen was up there and so where his parents. All three of them where looking out the window. I saw smoke it seemed to becoming from my packs grounds. Before I could ask any questions Luke and Justin came bursting through the trees with a group of wolves. They looked exhausted and hungry. I was so scared and confused. My thoughts raced through my brain. I couldn't think straight. I did the first thing that came to my mind.

Colen's POV

I heard Rains scream, her eyes seemed to glow and before I could blink, she was once again a kitten. The twins where standing there confused. They looked at each other before glancing up at me. I shook my head while I gently picked her up. The two wolves who seemed to be in charge where lead to the house while the others where stationed where they were. Once upstairs, they both changed into two young men around my age. I knew they knew of Rain because she smelled of them when I first met her. I gently put her in my bag, making sure they didn't notice. One man started demanding answers.

"We know she's here and we want her back!" I rolled my eyes, this one was going to get on my nerves.

"I swear Justin, Look, we know she's here and we just want her back, she was givin to our pack from a werecat tribe, she doesn't know she's a shifter yet. Please, I just want her back." I felt Rain move in the bag. She squirmed as if wanting out.

"As you can see there is no Werecat shifter here. Now leave and we won't demand your heads! Your breaking the packs laws for trespassing and accusing with out evidence!" My mother is always one for bloodshed.

Rain jumped out of the bag and walked up to the brown hair man. Everyone became startled. My mother snarled and my father glared at her. The visitors shifted and started sniffing Rain. She nuzzled into the smaller ones nose before licking the larger one. Both wolves immediately became happy to see she was alright. I walked over and gently started petting her. Rain almost flinched away before looking up at me.

My heart was in my throat as I spoke. "We all know she doesn't really belong to you or your pack, but she is here now, I think it would be best if she returns to her tribe and found out who she truly is."

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