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Siere looked over at her husband, Seran Rouke. He returned her gaze with his light blue eyes, “What is it, my Dear?” he asked, tucking his mahogany hair behinds his ear.

“Seran, are you sure what we're doing is right? You know, to bear a child of ours into this world?” Siere asked, her pale purple eyes worried.

“What do you mean?” Seran said.

“I mean, what will she be? I don't even know if she will know...”

“Our child will know that she is our child and that is what matters. Come sit here.”

Siere walked towards him with elegance. Seran brushed a ringlet of her pale hair away from her face and held her.

“The child will be fine.” he assured her gently.

Siere gazed up at him, “But...” she took a breath, “What will she be? Will she even be human?”

Seran stroked her hair, “She will be as human as you or I.”

“Thats not really much, Seran.”

“But it is enough.”

“For us, for you and me, but what about her?”

“Couples before have had this trouble, Siere, we are not the first-”

Siere cut him off, “Seran, where will she belong? What if there is a reason why this is forbidden?”

“Siere,” He said after a moment, “She will choose where she belongs, she will be fine. But it is your choice.”

Siere was quiet and then she looked into his eyes and whispered, “Are you sure she'll be normal?”

“No, Siere, but she will be okay. We'll be there for her.” 

Siere smiled, “Then I'm sure she will be okay.”


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