Jane + Codin+ red carpet

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"Wake up bed head!" Codin shouted in my ear
"You really had to shout!" I shouted back
" guess what happened!" He said quieter but still loud
" what?" I asked
"There is no school today because it's a new holiday they made in school," he said with excitement "it's called a random school holiday!"
" what a name!"
" I know right," he said withs so much joy in his eyes " and you get to be my date to my mom and dads new movie red carpet."
I thought that he must of forgotten our deal if we were going to get back together until...
" I know we're probably breaking our deal but we have to do it sooner or later." He said in a sad puppy voice and with my morning brain mode still on I said yes. I went back home to get my special blue dress I bought only a week ago and took 100 selfies while curling my hair with my moms curling iron and waited for Codin. While waiting I realised mom wasn't home yet. I guess her new boyfriend was different maybe he could be finally the one but I didn't raise my hopes up. The doorbell finally rang and I thought it would be Codin but no it was my dad.
"Why are you wearing such a sexy dress?" Dad asked.
"None of your business," I shouted at him "go get whatever you need and leave!" Then suddenly a limo arrived and it was Codin. "Bye." I murmured to dad and ran into the limo and shoved my phone in my Michael Kors bag that I carried. I got into the car and kissed Codin.
"Who the hell was the guy at your door," he asked in an angry way "he looks awfully familiar!"
"Codin that was my dad." Suddenly everything went silent
"Jane are you ok?" He asked
" yeah sure."and for the rest of the ride I lied down on his arm keeping silent for the rest of the ride until we got to the movie premier! When Codin got out you could hear all the fan girls scream his name. Before I got out the reporter came out and asked him one question and one question only "Do you have a date today?" Chloe the mtv reporter asked. Chloe is my idol. She has such a wonderful personality!
"Yes," Codin answered and suddenly the noisy fan girls kept quiet, "It is Jane Rodriguez!".
I walked out of the car and surprisingly all the boys started screaming. I answered so many questions but suddenly I saw Melanie Sweet at the end of the red carpet where the meet and greet is and you could see all the bruises Codin gave her. We took a pretend modeling selfie and he posted it on his Instagram. Luckily 'the popular one took off after she was done with Codin's parents and it was our turn to meet and greet. Then we watched the new movie starring Codin's mom. The movie was called 'Another Mission.' After the movie mom texted me " saw you at the movie premier, btw I'm not coming home tonight so if you can stay with your friend it would be lovely! P.s I'm not coming back anytime soon'
Well I guess I'll be staying with Codin for a while.

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