A L L I A N C E // 6

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She's lying on my bed next to me gazing at me through her brown sparkling eyes

She purses her lips in a flirtatious manner before burrowing deeper into my silky sheets

Cradling her in my arms, I passionately kiss her on her plump brown lips

However there are growing doubts in my mind

"Where were you last night?" I ask nibbling on her neck

"At a party," she answers sighing leisurely

"Didn't do anything?" I ask removing my arms from around her waist

She gazes up at me incredulous and slightly anxious

"What do you mean?" She whispers her eyes growing wide

I stare hard into them and sigh heavily my anger rising

Rolling off the bed, I throw on some joggers and leave the room

She desperately calls after me but I slam the door shut and head into the back garden

I'm now shaking slightly at the knowledge of the other man

Chelsea is an extremely small well connected borough

I don't take kindly to being made to look a fool

I realise that I've thrown my cigarettes away and I cry out in frustration

After a while I head back inside and find her dressed

She's sitting on the edge of the bed solemnly

"Love and affection?" She asks cautiously

My anger melts from my skin onto the floor

I just want to devour and love her

"No," I reply coldly

She leaves the apartment in a fluster, agitated and angry

I get into bed and find the silky sheets smell of her

Groaning in frustration I punch the head board multiple times before calming down

To a degree

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