L O V I N G // 9

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I begin stirring and start feeling for her beside but she's not

Panic erupts in my bones and I painfully open my eyes to find her leaving

She's standing in her uniform and gazes at me through those gorgeous eyes

I'm not ready for her to leave yet

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask playfully

"School," she replies timidly

"I'd make you breakfast but you fucked me up last night," I chuckle thinking about the lust and passion we were drowning in

She gives me a small sweet serene smile which sets my limbs on fire

An idea pops into my head

"When do you get off school?" I ask leisurely

She tells me

"Make sure you grab a bite to eat before you leave," I say yawning wide

Reflecting quietly in my head she begins to leave

"You and me should go somewhere when you're on your break. Somewhere sunny and warm," I state and she nods her head

The radiance and happiness floods from her body and washes over me

I get out of bed and watch her from the window as she sprints down the pavement

Lying back down on my silky sheets I think about the holiday

A small shy smile paints itself on my lips

Then I think about all the love and affection I'm going to drown her in

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