Wedding Bells

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(Nicole's p.o.v)

"Do you, Thomas William Hiddleston, take Jessa to be you're lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Tom smiled at Jessa while holding her hands in his own.

"And do you, Jessa Victoria Andrews, take Tom as your husband?"

"I do." Jessa smiled back.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. Tom, you may now kiss your bride."

Tom took Jessa's face in his hands and kissed her with such a passion. Meanwhile I stood to the side, staring at my new mom. It has been a long 6 months waiting for this moment, and I was so happy for the two of them.

I gazed down at the charm bracelet lying across my wrist. On it were two charms, an angel and half a heart. The angel was for my real mom and the half a heart was for Jessa. She has the other half. Jessa gave me the bracelet after Tom proposed, saying that she knows she could never replace my real mom, but she hopes that she can at least be a good one, like Tom has a dad. I don't doubt for a second that she will be.

I watched as Tom and Jessa ran down the isle and out of the church, while everyone cheered. Outside we waited for them to come out and threw confetti over the newly weds. Afterwards, we all headed over to our house for the reception. The barn had been completely cleaned and decorated for the special occasion.

I remember helping Tom pick this place out. It was a bit far from the city and I would no longer be able to just ride my bike to the library, but it was perfect. It was 20 acres of beautiful land, complete with a 5 bedroom house, and a two story barn.

As we waited for dinner to be served I ran (more like wobbled) over to my sisters. They all managed to make it, along with most of their families. So far Titan, Jess, Sara, Natalie, and all the four and unders have been adopted, and I couldn't be more happy. I do miss them, but at least they now have a family that can take care of them.

"Hey!" I pulled them in for a hug. "I'm so glad you guys could make it!"

"Like we wouldn't miss a chance to see you!" Titan said hugging me back.

"Well it looks like dinner's almost ready. God I'm so nervous." I shake my hands out and take a deep breath. I was about to give a speech, apparently being a maid of honor and the daughter of the groom means that you have to give one, or at least that's what I've been told.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do fine."

"Alright, " I took another deep breath. "wish me good luck."

"Good luck!" They all screamed at me as I walk up to the table where I was sitting and sit down.

Everyone started cheering as the barn doors opened, revealing the Bride and Groom. Meanwhile I was busy reviewing and organizing my note cards under the table until Emma tapped my shoulder and I was forced to cheer too. Once they had sat down, everyone else sat down and the food was served.

The barn was filled with the sound of people talking and eating and congratulating Tom and Jessa on their marriage, wishing them many years. It was getting close to my turn to speak and I quickly looked over my cards once again.

"He'll like it no matter what Nicole. don't worry." I hear Sarah whisper beside me.


I slowly stood up, lifting my fork and cup with me. As I was about to tap the glass I froze. So. Many. People. Zeus nudged me from underneath the table, but I continued to stand there until Sarah tapped her glass beside me. Suddenly everyone's eyes were on me. Why am I so nervous? I'm never this nervous on stage.

"Thanks." I say to Sarah. She gives me a slight nod and I set my fork and glass down.

"Ahem." I clear my throat. "Uh, it's nice to see you all here, on such a special occasion. Tom, Jessa, getting married."

I hear people laugh and I look at Tom. He stares back and gives me a little smile, and I can just see the thumbs up from he's giving me from underneath the table. I take a deep breath and continue.

"As you all probably know by now, I am adopted. Tom adopted me, almost two years ago after we were in a car accident. I was in a coma for three days, he thought he was going to lose me, no wonder he was so quick to act. Stupid mistake English!" That earned a laugh from everyone. I smiled. "But for a long time, I thought I was never going to get adopted. I thought, this is it. I'm going to live in an orphanage until I'm 18 then go off, who knows where? But I don't think, that's what I was really worried about."

I switched my eyes to Jessa then back to Tom, who stared at me the whole time.

"I was worried about never having someone to care for me. About never being able to have a mom or dad again, at least blood related. But then Tom came into my life and suddenly I saw the world differently. I learned that "Family doesn't end with blood." and that family really isn't blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what. And that's exactly what Tom's been to me."

There was a small aww from everyone and I could tell Tom was tearing up.

"Over these past few months, Jessa and I have really connected ourselves, and she too has become like family to me. So I am so happy, that it is now official. Thank you Jessa, for dealing with Tom and I for the past year and a half, I hope you stick with us till the end of the line."

"That's my girl!" Chris E. yelled from the back and everyone laughed.

I laughed too and while everyone was looking at Chris, I looked at Jessa and held the half heart in my hand. Then I grabbed the angel and looked up.

I miss you mom.

I sat back down, while someone took the mic from me and handed it to Tom.

"Let's get this party started!"

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