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(Tom's p.o.v)

"We need to talk." I turned to Jessa as soon as I saw Nicole walk upstairs.

"Okay, talk." Jessa replied grabbing the plate I was holding.

"There's something wrong with Nicole."

Jessa chuckled a bit. "When is there something not wrong Nicole?"

I walked over to her and set the plate down in the sink. "Jessa, I'm serious. She hasn't been herself lately."

"Okay, and why do you think that?" She asked as she hugged my waist.

"Well ever since what happened on Twitter she's been distant. She's either at school, in her room, or off riding somewhere."

Jessa's face slightly turned into a frown. "I have noticed that."

I nodded. "See..., and is it just me, or has she also been ignoring Zeus."

"What? No. She wouldn't, she can't. Zeus is the only person she can talk to about everything, and he's not even human."

"I know." I paused and sighed. "We need to find out what's going on."

Jessa nodded. "Nicole!"

There was a moment of silence before a reply came. "Coming! Be there in a sec!"

There was another minute of silence and still no Nicole.

"Nicole!" I called this time.

"Coming!" She yelled again.

Next came the sound of footsteps and Nicole walked into the kitchen.

"What?" She asked a little more harsh than necessary.

I was going to call her out on it, but decided it was best not to make her more angry if she already is. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked.

"What?" Nicole asked confused.

I continue. "Tomorrow's Sunday, is there anything fun you want to do?"

"No." Was all I got in reply.

"Are you sure?" Jessa jumped in. "There's no where you want to go or do? Maybe just go out for lunch or something?" She suggested.

"I was just gonna work on homework." Which would require her to stay in her room.

I looked at her with sadness and disappointment. I wish she would just tell me what's wrong. "Nicole..." I started, but she wouldn't let me finish.

"I'm sure. Now can I go back to my room? I was kind of in the middle of something." She asked cutting me off.

I sighed, giving up. She clearly didn't want to be bothered right now. "Yes, you may go upstairs."

Then without a thank you or goodnight she walked upstairs. There was the slam of a door and I just stood there with my eyes closed until Jessa spoke up.

"What are you thinking?" She asked as she wrapped her arms back around me.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, then to her growing stomach. "How much work the next ones going to be." I laughed.

"Well once he or she is born, we still have at least 13 years until all the drama starts."

"I guess that's the good part of starting at the beginning."

"Well starting in the middle has it's perks too. Such as not having to change dirty diapers. Which you are definitely doing if it's a boy."

"Deal." I laughed as I gave her a peck on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I replied as I pulled her in for a deeper kiss.

Once we pulled away, Jessa let go of me and headed to the stairs. "I'm going to bed. This one's been acting up all day." She motioned to her stomach. "You coming?"

"Uh, no. I'm actually going to do some research in my study."

"Okay." She nodded. "Don't stay up too late."

I smiled as she walked upstairs. Once she was gone I headed to my study and opened my laptop. I typed in the password then opened up Google and typed one word.



The rest of the night was spent searching that one word. Signs of depression. Symptoms of depression. How to handle depression. Anything and everything. And what I found scared me.

"Tom?" A voice came from the door.

I looked up and saw Jessa standing there with two cups in her hands. I smiled the best I could and she walked in.

"You were up all night weren't you?" She asked as she handed me a cup of tea and sat down on my lap.

I nodded.

"What are you looking at?" Jessa looked at my computer and frowned. "Tom, what's this?"

I sat up and clicked to another screen I had open and pointed to one of the paragraphs. Jessa started reading and I closed my eyes.


"It's all there Jessa." I sighed. "Nicole has shown every one of those signs. From being distant to lashing out, this can't be a coincidence."

"Listen, I know you're worried about Nicole, I am too, but you can't just make assumptions-"

"Yes, I am worried, and I can make assumptions, she's my daughter."

Jessa looked at me surprised after I lashed out like that. "Since when did she become only your daughter."

I closed my eyes again, realizing I had made a mistake."I'm sorry, you know what I mean. It's just I want you to focus on this little one," I held her stomach. "and I'll worry about Nicole. Okay?"

Jessa looked at me for a moment before replying. "Okay."

I pulled her in for a kiss then just held her close to me. While we were embraced she asked, "So what are you going to do?"

"Well," I sighed. "I managed to make an appointment with a therapist for today at 2:30, I still have yet to tell Nicole."

"And when are you planing on doing that?"

"I guess right now." I replied as I got up still holding her. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need it." Jessa smiled and gave me a quick peck before I went upstairs to wake Nicole.

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