First Day on Set

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The drive to set the next morning was quite. I sat in the back with Zeus while Tom sat up front with Chris E. Apparently last night he had come with Mark, so he didn't have a ride.

I stared out the window, gazing over the countryside as it slowly turned into the city. Tom stopped at a gate and handed the security guard his card. After scanning it, he let us through and Tom parked in the set parking lot.

"We're here."

I pulled out my headphones out of my ears and got out. We walked towards the trailers and stopped.

"Okay, Nic, this one's yours." Tom pointed to the one in front of us and I nodded. "Now I'll be in this one and then Chris's is on the other side of your's."

"So if you need anything, give us a holler." Chris added. I nodded again.

"Oh and hair an make up is in trailer 25 and wardrobe is right next to it in 26. I'm sure someone will come get you when they're ready, so just stay in your trailer until they do, okay?"

"Got it."

I made my way to my trailer and went to open the door but it was locked. Great. I tugged on it a little more, hoping that it was just jammed or something when a small paper fell from the crack. I bent down and picked it up.

'The key is in the plant. -Joss'

I looked up and sure enough there was a potted plant hanging above me. I stuck my hand in the pot and felt around until I hit something. After grabbing the key and inserting it into the lock, I was able to go inside.

"Wow." I stood there speechless.

The trailer was huge on the inside! It had a mini living room you could say, with a flat screen TV on the wall and a four person couch, a small booth connected to the wall, there was also a desk in front of a window (not that there was much to see besides the trailer right next to it.), and then there was a two doors on one end of the trailer.

I made my way towards the doors while Zeus ran over to the doggy bed they had included. The door on the left was the bathroom, which I have to say is going to be nice to have, because I am not a fan of public toilets. And the door on the left was a small bedroom with a twin size bed and small dresser.

After checking out everything, I went and sat at the desk. I pulled out my sketch book and pencils and set them down in order. I'm extremely OCD when it comes to my art and work space. Grabbing a pencil, I flipped the book open to a new page.

What to draw? I tapped the pencil against my chin until an idea came to me. Ah-ha!

I started sketching the outline when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

I heard the door open behind me and turned around. In walked a girl around 20 I'd say, with straight blond hair, and green eyes.

"Hello Ms. Hiddleston, I'm Loraine, and I'm her to take you to the make-up trailer." She smiled

"Nice to meet you, and please, call me Nicole." I held out my hand which she shook.

"Okay then Nicole, right this way." She walked out of the trailer and I followed making sure to shut the door quietly. Zeus was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up.

As we made our way to the make-up trailer we made small talk, and I learned the she had a female German Shepherd named Ida. I suggested that she bring her in one day that way Zeus and her could play together, but she wasn't sure if they would let her bring a dog to work. Then I told her that I would put in a good word so she could. I could already tell that we are going to be good friends.

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