A Cat! Two Cats!

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I bolted up right and banged my head on something.

"Ow." I rubbed the back of my head and looked at what I hit. Stupid lamp.

Spencer sat down next to me laughing. "Very funny." I scowl.

"It's only the second day of school and you're falling asleep in class. You okay?" Aww. He's making it really hard to be mad at him right now.

"No." I say honestly. "I didn't sleep at all last night."

"How come?"

Maybe the fact that I was worried my house was going to be burned down again with my family inside, while I'm safe and untouched.

"Zeus was having a stomach problem." I lie.

Spencer studied my face. "Okay, now we both know that that's not true, because if Zeus really did have something wrong with his stomach you would have begged Tom to stay home from school today just to make sure he was okay. Even if it was all better and he just needed to go poop." He knows me to well.

"Ya got me." I hold my hands up.

"So will you please tell me what's really going on?" He grabbed my hand and held it in his. Now this isn't fair play!

"Ugh, fine." I take a deep breath. "Jessa's pregnant."

Spencer's eyes widened, and I could tell he was reading my face again to see if I was joking.

"I'm not joking." I clarify.

He continued to remain silent.

"Spencer?" I wave my hand in front of his face.

"Ya? Sorry. It's just, why would be worried about this. Aren't you excited. I mean you're going to have-"

I quickly cut him off. "Don't say that."

"What? I was just going to say-" He tried again.

"I know what you were going to say and I never want to hear those words again."

"Why?" He squeezed my hand, giving me some reassurance.

"Because, like I told Tom when he said that, my parents told me the same thing the afternoon before they were killed.

Spencer's face fell. "Nicole. I'm so sorry." He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. That's nice.

"It's okay, it's not like it was your fault. But to answer you're previous question, I am excited. I think it will be good for Jessa and Tom to have the experience and chance to raise a child from the beginning rather than starting in the middle." I smile, thinking about how nice it's going to be to have someone new in the house. "But at least with me they didn't have to change any dirty diapers." I laughed and so did Spencer.

Miss Fulbright walked into the room and all conversation stopped. "Alright class. Turn to page 36. Today we're going to be doing something a little more advanced. We are going to be making bread out of yeast and flour, now the solution is very hard to clean up, so try to be careful. It would be a shame to have the janitors clean up such a sticky mess.

I smirk and look over at Spencer who is looking at me. I then look at Jessica who is only a table away. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Spencer face palm.


"Guys, I'm home!" I yelled as I shut the door behind me. Today, I managed to get a ride from Eric's mom, which was so much better than having to ride the bus.

Zeus ran in from the living.

"Hey bud!" I tried to pet him but he started pulling at my bag. "Zeus? Stop that. What are you doing?" He pulled a little harder, dragging me towards the living room.

He stopped in front of Tom and started growling. "Zeus what is wrong with you, it's just T- What is that?"

I looked up from Zeus to Tom. Tom was asleep with his feet on the table, but there was something on his chest. Zeus growled even louder, which caused Tom to wake up. He looked around confused until his eyes landed on me.

"Oh, hello Nicole." He smiled.

Meanwhile, I continued to scowl at him. "What is that?" I repeat.

He looked at me confused. "What's what?"

I point at the thing on his chest.

Tom looked down at his chest then back at me. He suddenly became very nervous. "Nicole, please don't freak out but-"

He was cut off by Jessa walking down the stairs. "Hey Nic, I see you've met one of the additions to our family."

"One?" I turn around and there she is holding another one. "Where are they coming from?!" I drop to the ground, holding my head in agony.

Tom laughed and got up. "Come on Nic, they're not that bad."

I stood up and looked between the two of them. "Not bad. Look at them! They're hairy babies that steal your food, make a mess, and murder you in your sleep."

"Okay, because last I heard they were called cats." Jessa exclaimed.

"Potato, potato."

"At least meet them Nicole." Jessa sat me down on the couch. All of the sudden there was a heavy weight on my lap and a scratchy feeling on my neck.

She pointed to the black one on my lap. "That one is Emerald," She pointed to the tabby behind me. "and that one is Sophie."

"And they're both girls?!" I held my head again and Zeus completely walked out of the room.

"Just give them a chance." Tom tried to convince me.

"What even made you think that getting two cats, let alone one, was a good idea anyway?"

"Well, we were on our way home from the doctors, when Jessa made me stop and pull over. So I pulled over, she got out, and then next thing I know she's carrying two cats into the car. Jessa mentioned that it would be a good thing to do if we rescued them and I agreed."

"Plus, the doctor mentioned that having something to comfort me during my pregnancy, would be a good thing to have. I mean as much as I love Zeus, you and him are attached at the hip, as soon as you come home he would be off of my lap an into yours. So having the cats around will be nice." She smiled. I still wasn't.

"What about Zeus? He hates cats and so do I."

Tom sighed. "Nicole, you're making a big deal out of nothing."

Was I? Was I really? Because last I checked we made decisions as a family not as an individual. But last time I also checked, I didn't get a say in Jessa being pregnant either. Wait? What?

"Okay, fine. I'll give'em a chance. I've got homework to do." I grabbed my bag and started to walk out of the room.

Tom's phone dinged as I walked away. "Nicole, what is this about an incident in science?" Tom asked.

I stopped in my tracks. Should I stay or should I go? Hehe, The Clash refrence. Ya I should probably go.

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