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Tom's p.o.v

"Tom! Have you seen the cats at all- Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were on the phone." Jessa walked into the kitchen as she saw me talking on the phone.

I gave her a tiny wave and mouthed that it was okay before returning to the person on the other end. Jessa went about her business, fixing and cleaning little things here and there while I paced around the kitchen.

"Yeah, I can come pick her up. I'll be there in 20 minutes." I answered before setting the phone down and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Who was that?" Jessa asked.

I sighed and looked at her. "It was the high school. Nicole's been suspended." Not wanting to talk anymore, I grabbed my keys and headed towards the door.

Jessa was right behind me. "What?! How?"

"She punched a girl. And I think I know which girl." I answered. Jessa was ready to ask another question, but I opened the door and got in the car before she could.  

I arrived at the school 20 minutes later and hopped out of the car. Walking inside I could see Nicole sitting in the principles office through the window as I signed in. After I signed in the secretary lead me to the office and opened the door, letting me in. The principle stood up from behind his desk and stretched his hand out to me.

"You must be Nicole's father, I'm Dr. Potts."

"Tom Hiddleston." I replied as we shook hands.

"Please, have a seat, we need to talk about some things."

He sat back down and I took a seat next to Nicole. She was covered in what appeared to be some sort of smoothie or shake and was a complete mess. I hoped that she would at least acknowledge I was there, but she wouldn't even look at me.

"Mr. Hiddleston, I want to first start off by saying that your daughter is an excellent student. Straight A's, honor roll, and all while having an acting career. Most kids would have had mental break down after a week. But not Nicole, she just kept pushing through. Until now. Mr. Hiddleston, do you know exactly what happened today?" I shook my head. "Okay, Nicole? Would you like to tell your father what happened?" Nicole shook her head. "Well then, allow me to shine a light on the situation. Today in the cafeteria Nicole was seen by countless students beating a fellow class member by the name of Jessica Layton." I knew it! Nicole had mentioned her countless times before about how much of a bitch she is. "She was said to have tripped her and then punch her in the nose, breaking it in the process."

"I was defending myself. She was the one that started it."

Dr. Potts just rolled his eyes and then said. "Yes, Ms. Layton did start it from what I have heard. Apparently she had pushed Nicole down first and poured a smoothie on her head before Nicole did anything."

"Then why are you punishing Nicole? I know she deserves it, but if this Jessica girl is the one the initiated the fight in the first place will she be receiving punishment too?" I asked.

"Mr. Hiddleston, I don't think you see the reality of the situation. Yes Ms. Layton started the fight, but Nicole broke her nose."

I felt my eyes widen as he said that and I turned to Nicole. "You broke a girl's nose?"

"I'm sure the bought a life-time warranty for that thing. She can get it fixed." Nicole responded, still refusing to look at me.

"Ms. Hiddleston, this is a serious situation I need you to act like it is." Nicole simply huffed and turned to look at the principle.

"I'm listening."

"Thank you. Now, there will be punishment for your actions along with Ms. Layton's. I'm giving you both a week's suspension to think about what you've done and when you come back I'm going to have the two of sit down and apologize for everything that's happened. Does that sound fair Nicole?"

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