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I grabbed my phone and put it on silent, not wanting to listen to it anymore. For the past hour it's been going off every once in a while with notifications from Twitter. A couple were of course text messages from various people, telling me to come back. But most of them were from Twitter.

I didn't care to check them though, knowing that they probably have something to do with what happened at the mall.

I looked down at my phone, sitting beside me. Might as well see what's going on sooner rather than later. Picking up my phone, I typed in the pass code, and opened Twitter. I clicked on the notifications tab which currently held about 100 or so notifications.

I scrolled all the way down to the bottom and read the very first notification.

'Nicole Hiddleston was clearly only given the part of Hela, because of her dad. There's no other way to explain it.'

The comment was made on my MTV interview picture.

I clicked on the persons name who posted it. Sure enough, it was the girl from the mall. Taking a deep breath, I went back to the notifications and clicked on the next one. It was a reply to the previous comment.

'OMG! So I'm not the only one that thought this!'

The next one.

'What a bitch. My sister auditioned for the part too and was so devastated when she didn't get the part, that she cried for days. This will just break her heart even more.'

And the next one.

'They shouldn't have even let her audition since she has known those people for for like five years.'

Then the next one.

'I was there during her audition. #Notalent #Completeshit'

I was about to click on the next one when I got a new notification. It was a video. Since at the time I had absolutely no control over my fingers, I clicked on it and pressed play. As soon as I had, I instantly regretted it.

The video was from today when we were walking out of the mall. It showed me getting doused in coke and the car driving off. Afterwards, the car drove up to the person taking the video and stopped. They rolled down their window and I saw her.

"Thanks." She smiled and held out her hand.

The guy handed her the camera and she focused it on herself.

"Nicole Hiddleston is a fraud. If you think someone else should have gotten the part of Hela, comment below with the hashtag Hela to the no. Love ya'll, bye." She blew a kiss and the video cut off.

At that point I was crying like crazy. Three times.

"Nic!" Tom had found me.

There was a rustle in the bushes and I was suddenly being licked to death. I grabbed Zeus's fur and buried my face into it, crying.

The sound of hoof beats came next.


I got up and ran over to Tom. He immediately pulled me into a hug and started rubbing my back.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything's going to be okay." He whispered. He pulled me away and knelt down to where he was even with me. "What's wrong?"

I just shook my head, not wanting to talk now. All I wanted was to lay in bed and hope that everything would be fine. Tom pulled me back into a hug and I continued to cry, this time a little softer.

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