What's in the Box?

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(Jessa's p.o.v)

I arrived at the office right at 7:45 and headed over to the conference room, for another meeting that should have been a phone call.

On my way, I ran into my child-hood best friend, Jennifer. I've known Jennifer since we were in diapers. I was her maid of honor, and she was mine along with Nicole. We tell each other everything.

"Hey, Jessa! How's it going?" She says as she gives me a small side hug.

"Good. How about you?"

"Well, you know how it is. With three boys in the house, you can never really say how anythings going."

Jennifer has three sons. Christopher's the oldest and is 7, then there's Michael who just turned 4, and finally Jonathan her 10 month old. You could say she has her hands full. Anyway, for the past couple months she has been on maternity leave, so I haven't been able to see her everyday, like I'm used to.

"Ya, speaking of which. How's my godson?" She also made me Jonathan's godmother.

"He is growing up so fast! Did I tell you he just took his first steps the other day?"

"What?! No! Show me, show me, show me!"

She pulled out her phone and showed me a video of little Jonathan. Sure enough, there he was walking. Once the video was done she put her phone back in her pocket.

"Oh my god. I think I might cry. Time just flies by so fast doesn't it? I mean pretty soon, he'll already be in high school." I smile, thinking of Nicole, and hoping she's having a good time.

"And speaking of that, wasn't today Nicole's first day of school?" She asks.

"Yep, freshman, can you believe it?"

"No. I still remember, when you were talking to me about her case, and how her dad was, and I quote, "TOM FREAKING HIDDLESTON.""

"I never said that." I blush.

"Oh really, because I was right next to you while you were talking to him over the phone about adoption, and when you asked for his name, you looked right over at me and mouthed it."

Now my face is probably bright red. Yes, I did have a tiny crush on Tom, but can you blame me, Loki is H to the O to the T, HOT.

"Ya, ya, well I've gotta go."

"See ya."

We split ways and I head to my boring meeting, while she goes off and does paperwork.


It was after lunch and I was currently in the bathroom. What was I doing in the bathroom? Throwing up.

After all the chunks were out I closed the seat and sat on top of it. Ugh, that was awful. For some reason this has been happening for the past three days, I didn't say anything to Tom, because I figured it's just some type of stomach bug and it would pass in a couple of days. But now I'm starting to think it's something else.

I left the bathroom, grabbed my purse, and headed to the front desk.

"Hey Marie, I'm gonna head out for a bit, I should be back in about 20 minutes. So if anyone calls for me just let them know."

She nodded and I walked out.


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