Author's Note

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Hey guys! Before I begin the story, I just want to give you some important info on this Fanfiction!
I noticed that the Chaos Theory seemed to be the most popular Percy Jackson Fanfiction on here, so I decided to give a shot at it! Be sure to tell me what you think!!
I've read over ten Percy Jackson Chaos Theory Stories, and all of them have been amazing! My story will be a mixture of the stories I've read and my own plotline. I'll put a short author's comments before every chapter, and it will often contain random stuff, like questions or comments. Oh, yes, and dedications!! I'll have different challenges that, whoever wins, will get someone a dedication in this story!!
I also decided to give different names to Luke, Bianca, Silena, etc. than most people have been giving them. They each have three names: their real name, a Greek alphabet name (I.e. Gamma, beta, epsilon), and their code name (I.e. Asteri, Iroas, Pisti). I'm also going to take a different approach to Percy's feelings than it seems most people are taking. You'll find out what I mean. :)
So, for my first random comment: I find it funny that Lee's last name was "Fletcher". As a son of Apollo, he would use a lot of arrows. One part of the arrow is called the "Fletching". HAHAHA! Okay. I'm done.
Last thing. The cover of this story is NOT MINE!! I'm not sure who made it, but was awesome. :P
So I hope you all enjoy the story, and be sure to rate it and give me feedback. Thanks!!! See you guys at the beginning of the adventure!! :D

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