A Little Percabeth

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So I will be starting a new story, not Percy Jackson, not even Fanfiction, just plain old fiction. It's a story I've been wanting to write for a while, and now I've decided to. If you like my writing, you should check it out and see how it is. I'm telling you this because that means I won't be updating this story as much now. :/ I promise I'll try to update at least once a week after vacation is over. :)

Percy POV

I wasted no advantage. My wings tucked in close to my side as I plummeted downward. The wind rushed through my feathers and gave me an extra boost that shot me forward faster than I could have fallen.

The boost brought me next to Jayce as he fell, arms flailing, screaming. "Grab on to me!" I shouted over the rushing wind. "Take my hands!"

Jayce reached toward me as I stretched out my hands. I didn't glance downward, didn't count how much time we had left before the ground met us. Instead, I just grasped Jayce's hands in mine and pulled him into my arms. Then, using the buffeting wind as leverage, I rolled over so my back was to the ground and Jayce was facing the sky. In this position, if anyone got hurt, it would be me and not Jayce. He would land on me instead of hitting the ground.

"Percy!" Annabeth's voice sounded below me. "Think! Think quickly!"

That was Annabeth. Telling me to think while I was in mortal danger. It was good advice.

At the last second, I whirled back around, Jayce facing the ground. He screamed at me, probably thinking that I was trying to save myself. Then my wings snapped open, and they were nearly wrenched off as they forced back the wind and slowed the fall.

We landed gently on the ground, feet first.

Jayce let out a huge breath. "Wow. You really are as good as they say!" He jumped and turned to face me. "Thanks, Percy! That's two people in one day you've helped!"

I scratched the back of my head. "Well... I'm used to it." I gently punched him in the arm. "I'm going to go finish the nap I was trying to take. See you around, Jayce."

The boy smiled. "Okay! See ya, Percy!"

It turned out I never got to finish my nap.

The small crowd parted and went their different ways. Annabeth came up to me and wrapped her arms around me. There was a big smile on her face. "You always manage to make me proud even though you make stupid mistakes."

I pretended to be shocked. "Stupid mistakes? Stupid mistakes?!!" My open mouth closed as I smiled. "Oh, whatever. I guess I do make some pretty dumb mistakes, huh?"

"But they're always funny," Annabeth laughed. "That's why I don't mind them."

As the afternoon waned into evening, Annabeth and I held each other, our heads resting on one other. At last, I let out a happy sigh. "Even though we're demigods, I'm glad we're still able to have moments like this, when we're both alone and together."

"Me too," Annabeth murmured silently, snuggling deeper into my warm grip. "Sometimes, at times like this, I wish we weren't demigods with so many things to worry about."

"Yeah, like death." A steel edge entered my voice, and Annabeth glanced up at me. "That's one thing other teenagers don't have to face."

Annabeth's gray eyes grew serious. "Percy, even if we weren't demigods, we would still have death to think about. Okay, so maybe we wouldn't have as much of a risk of death, but think of how many kids die each year. Some from car accidents, some from sickness. There are many reasons that everyone has to worry about death. All we have to do is live life to the fullest, using it for good, as we are now."

"Are we using our time for good?" I asked, only partially teasing.

My girlfriend seemed a bit miffed by the question. "Of course we are, Seaweed Brain! We're creating good memories, spending time together, making each other happy! Isn't that good enough for you?"

Good old Annabeth. She was brilliant at making me feel happy just being with her. I smiled in reply and pulled her to me again. "Of course it's good enough for me. After all, when you think about it, we're talking about our relationship. I think that's one of the best things that's ever happened to me."

"Oh, Percy." Annabeth squeezed me tightly. "Thank you so much!"

We lapsed into silence until I said, "I suppose I should be thankful for the time I do have with my friends instead of being angry for the time I think I don't have, huh? We may not have much time together, but at least we have some."

A contented sigh was heard from Annabeth. "There you go, Seaweed Brain. That's the way to think about it."

"Yes, yes it is," I whispered in her ear. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to have time like this. I wouldn't have my Wise Girl to put me in place."

Annabeth's reply was a murmur. She was falling asleep. I smiled and rested my chin gently on top of her golden hair. The sun was darkening as the two of us continued to hold each other as night fell. At last, when the first stars appeared, I picked Annabeth up in my arms and carried her back to her cabin, where I tucked her in and kissed her goodnight.

Malcolm tried to speak to me when I came in, but I waved him off. I was too tired to think, much less have a conversation. Thankfully, the Athena second-in-command let me go.

The Poseidon cabin had an occupant. My half-brother Tyson was crashed on one of the beds. I smiled as his snore filled the room.

I followed his example.

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