Nico Knows?

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Hello, my loyal readers! Two things today!
1. The dedication today goes to someone I can't tag since I'm not her friend, but I love her stories! Chococookie1607. If you haven't read her stories, you should!!
2. My Chaos Comment for today: Have any of you ever noticed that Drew and Lacy are mentioned in Riordan's other series, the Kane Chronicles?
And now to the story!!

Percy POV

"We're here because Chaos believes that his brother Void is going to destroy Earth," I concluded.

Chiron had met us in the middle of camp and immediately ordered us to the Big House for a talk. He'd asked many questions, including why we were able to cross the border if we weren't demigods, most of which I didn't answer. The one question I did answer was why we were here: because of Chaos's brother's supposed plan to destroy Earth.

Chiron rubbed his chin thoughtfully as I finished. "And why does Void wish to destroy Earth?"

"We believe it's because someone here, in this camp, angered him," I stated.

A gasp rose from the room, and many of the counsellors started accusing each other. The room was filled with confusion until I shouted, "Stop!"


"Making accusations against each other is the worst way possible to begin thinking about this," I growled. "So shut up and stop blaming each other. Instead, get to the point and let's discuss this. Only blame someone if you have proof that they are the one that upset Void."

Silence again reigned until Chiron nodded to me. "Thank you, Omega."

And yes, I had explained to him our code names. Why have a face, even if behind a mask, if you had no name to go with it? He had been eager to discuss the meaning of our names, but I had refused, telling him that I would reveal the meanings when I felt it was necessary.

"Since we have no idea where to start, I would like to take a look around camp, maybe meet some of the campers," I announced. "It's the best approach in this matter."

"Very well," Chiron agreed. "This meeting is adjourned."


The way Nico and Annabeth had been staring at me during the meeting! That was the only thought that ran through my head as I exited the Big House game room, still the current location of meetings.

During the whole meeting, I'd been distracted by Nico and Annabeth. Of course, nobody else knew that since I showed no sign of it, but inwardly I was very shaken by their interest in me.

Annabeth had never let her eyes leave me, and in her eyes, there had been nothing but longing. I knew she was probably thinking about Percy- the Percy I was before. She was wishing that I was him. But she knew it was impossible. She knew I had vanished off the face of the planet. And yet she somehow saw similarities of Percy in me. I wonder why? But she didn't know that I was Percy. I had changed in the five years since I'd left earth. Five thousand years in Chaos time. So she had no way of knowing that I really was Percy, even if I acted like him at times.

And Nico. He'd glared at me, yet it hadn't been an angry glare. It had been a knowing glare. As if he knew who I was. But logically, that was impossible. I had been gone for five years. Then Omega, or me, shows up with thirteen highly skilled warriors. I could be any of them or none of them. There was no way Nico could know I was Percy.

But everything told me otherwise.


Annabeth POV

He was so familiar, yet he wasn't at the same time. From the moment I saw Omega, he reminded me of Percy. The way he stood so tall and straight, sometimes the way he spoke or did something hilariously stupid. I'd only known Omega for about three hours, and already he was bringing back memories.

But he was also so different. He had an air of confidence that we never seen in Percy. Percy had confidence, sure, but of a different kind. Omega- his was more of a 'I know I can beat you' type of aura. I could tell that he was also distant. He had a good relationships with what he called his Army, consisting of thirteen warriors, but I did notice that he didn't seem to want to be too attached to them. As if he'd been hurt by friends before.

Just like Percy.

Percy could be Omega. He could be anyone in the Army. Or he could be none of them at all. I want to believe that Percy is one of them, yet I've wanted to believe that about every knew camper found.

I highly, highly doubt that Omega is Percy. Yes. He's so much different. He can't be Percy. It's logically impossible, especially after five years. Why turn up now?

Am I just getting my hopes up?


Percy POV

I wanted some time alone that night, away from the campers, especially Annabeth, and away from Alpha and the rest of the Army. Being here had already triggered thoughts I did and didn't want, and I needed time to sort them out.

Thinking I was alone, I entered the woods and sat between the roots of a tree, thinking deeply. Annabeth. She had changed, I knew it. She didn't love Bryson, at least not anymore. He had been there, representing the Poseidon cabin, still as bratty and horrible as usual. And Annabeth had completely ignored him, even shown hate toward him. In fact, everybody had. Was it possible that they cared for me again?

A snap in the woods brought me to attention. My hand drifted to my sword as someone appeared out of the shadows.

"Hello, Omega."

I relaxed. Nico.

Then I remembered the way he had looked at me, and I tensed again. What was Nico going to say? Do?

He came over to me and sat by me, making himself comfortable.

"Hello," I returned after a moment.

He saw my hesitation.

"So what's the real reason you came?" he demanded, his dark brown eyes searching my green ones. "I know you came for a mission from Chaos, but is there another reason?"

"What?" I demanded.

"When were you planning on revealing yourself, Percy?"

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