Battle With Void

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I know it seems like everything is happening super fast and really early, as in this chapter Void is defeated, but that's because I actually have a lot more to add to the story. Just a hint: Void isn't Percy's biggest enemy. That's all I'm going to say. :)

Percy POV

Fortunately, Nico knew what was going on. I ran as fast as I could, Void only a mere step behind me. And then I ran straight into Nico.

He analyzed the situation right away. "Come on." Without waiting for a response, he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me behind him so fast that I nearly face planted.

A torrent of emotions filled me. Rage, frustration, loyalty, love... And something I'd never felt in in my entire life: hate.

Hate for what was happening. Hate towards the fact that I was running from my enemy and endangering my friends. And hate for Void.

Not even thinking, I wrenched my wrist from Nico's hand, shoving him roughly to the side. I let out an angry yell as I gripped my sword with both hands and suddenly swung it around.

And heard the blade crunch as it slammed into Void.

Void's shout was so loud that my ears were left ringing. When I touched my ear and pulled my hand away, blood was stained on my fingers.

A swirling ball of black mist gathered around Void, circling dangerously around him in a strange rhythm. He grew in size, as a black sword made of black mist appeared in his giant hand, streaking from hilt to tip of the blade. His dark eyes were suddenly tinged with red, blood red.

I was terrified.

But I had to do this. For Nico. For Thalia. For Jason.

For Annabeth.

More courage than I had ever had before, even with Kronos or Gaea, filled me, and my voice cracked as I shouted again. My right arm was positioned an inch to the right of my mouth and four inches behind my eyes. Chaos had once told me that was my best fighting stance. I would need that now.

My knees bent, my right leg exactly eight inches in front of my left leg. My shoulders were in line with my legs, and my left hand was extended, fingers equally spread apart.

Void chuckled ominously and copied my stance exactly. If he had looked like me, he would have been my exact mirror.

Then Void charged.

He was fast.

Very fast.

I wouldn't be able to block his blow fast enough. I had no choice but to break stance and roll to the side. I cannon-balled into Nico, who had been watching with mouth agape.

Thalia and Jason appeared from the shadows, panting.

I gave them one order. "Run!" They did. And I followed.

The only option for fighting Void right now was to get him out into the open where I had more room to move around. If I didn't make it...

Then all was lost.

Void was right behind me every step of the way. The ground shook with every step he took, and the black mist swirling around him seemed to reach out and try to grasp me.

"There!" Thalia shouted as the pavilion came into view. There were several campers there, as well as several from the Army.

I was literally ten steps from the open, and Thalia, Jason, and Nico had safely made it out, when a force blew me off my feet, shot me past my three friends, and slammed me into the ground mere inches from the pavilion.

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