Camp Half-Blood

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Hello again! Yes, I know I'm updating a lot, but that's because I love this story, plus I'm homeschooled so I tend to get done earlier than most people. :P Yes, I will allow you to hate me.
Two things this time!
1. This chapter is dedicated to my third best friend, itskatelinxo. She's awesome!
2. My Chaos Comment for today: Zoë's last name is Nightshade. That's also the name of a poisonous plant. It's ironic, then, that part of the reason she died was from poison.
And now to the fun!

Percy POV


The voice and hand on my shoulder dissolved the memories. I pulled back from the wall, still a bit disoriented, to look into Alpha's worried gaze. "Hey, um... sorry. I was just thinking."

Alpha turned me around and pulled me into his embrace. "You don't need to tell me, Omega. Chaos told me where we're going. All of us, Percy. You're not going to be alone in this."

I wiped my eyes. "Wait, Chaos is sending everyone in the Army?"

"Percy, this is Void we're talking about," Epsilon, or Gennaíos, stated, coming up behind me. "You're going to need all of us there to help you. Besides, this way, if somebody somehow figures out who you are, we'll have your back."

I managed a smile. Being with my best friends was already calming me down and washing away the memories. "Thanks, you two. Do you know when we're leaving?"

Alpha nudged me. "Again, this is Void we're talking about. If we want to get a head start on figuring out who upset Void, we're going to have to leave as soon as possible. Chaos wants us to leave as soon as you're ready. The rest of us are already waiting."

"Wait..." I trailed off, confused. The Army was already prepared? "How long have I been standing here?"

"Quite some time," Epsilon murmured. Which didn't exactly answer my question. "We would have interrupted sooner, but Chaos was in that mood, so we didn't dare. He explained to us what happened, told us to get prepared, so we did and here we are."

"Well..." I rubbed my forehead. "I don't really need to bring anything. I can just make that appear out of wherever. We can leave now."

Alpha chuckled softly. "Omega, Chaos wasn't exactly referring to clothes when he said 'prepared'. He meant emotions."

I poked Alpha. "I know. I just got my emotions sorted. I'm as ready as I'll ever be, so now is as good a time as any."

"That's brilliant!" Chaos appeared beside me, scaring me half to death.

"You, however, did not just help my emotions," I teased.

Chaos sniffed. "The very thought. How dare you?" Before I continue, let me just say that Chaos would be a terrible actor.

Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms. "So are we going?"

"Just a couple of things I wanted to tell you, Percy, that I've already told the rest of the Army," Chaos stalled. I was tempted to tell him again to stop calling me Percy. But the truth was, I honestly didn't mind. The name didn't bring just bad memories. There were good ones as well. "First of all, you're in charge of whatever happens at Camp Half-Blood except for what I tell you. Meaning that as usual, you can boss the Army around."

I pumped my fist in the air. "Yes!"

Alpha punched me in the arm. "Be fair, Mega Kid."

"Second," Chaos continued, "I don't want any of you revealing yourselves unless someone finds out about you. I can't promise that I can hide you the whole time, but I'll try. However, Percy, I'm giving you a pass on this order. If you wish, and if the Army wishes, then I will allow you to reveal yourselves. I know that the only way you would do that, Omega, is if you know you've been forgiven." Chaos clapped his hands together. "That's about it for now. If I think of anything else, I'll tell you, but I trust your judgement. Now, since we're all gathered and ready, I'll send you off!"

Alpha, Epsilon, and I clung to each other and closed our eyes. We'd experienced Chaos's way of traveling before, and I'll just say that I don't recommend it at all.

The world tilted and blurred around us, sending us through a time warp, into a path that would lead us to Camp Half-Blood. In truth, in only lasted about a millisecond, but it felt like an eternity.

Either way, we reached our destination in a sort of orderly fashion. As Camp Half-Blood drew nearer, everything slowed down and came together to form solid ground. Chaos knew I disapproved of forming new craters in planets that often looked like complete, well, Chaos. Thankfully this time he remembered my warning and landed us gently.

It took us only a moment to collect our wits. We saw immediately that we were standing by Thalia's pine tree, with a rather terrified camper standing before us.

I straightened, forcing myself to look like who I really was instead of hiding like I desperately wanted to do.

This was the place that I had loved. And the place I had hated. The place I'd made good memories. And the place I'd made bad memories. The place I'd been loved, accepted, and a hero. And the place where I'd been rejected, betrayed, and a liar.

I was back at Camp Half-Blood.

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