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Did I shock you? Eh? Hehehehehehehe!

Percy POV

"Dad, I still have a question about Bryson, or, um, Justice."

Pulling back from me, Poseidon promised, "I'll answer if I can."

"Who was the Bryson that was possessed by Void? The one that's been at Camp Half-Blood for five years? I know now which Bryson is real: but who was the other one?" This was one of my biggest questions. I was still confused about that whole thing.

Poseidon sat back in his throne. "Well, that's difficult to say. If you want the full story, ask Hera. Justice wouldn't understand because Hera put him to sleep when she did it. She created another him- an exact look alike who acted just the way Hera wanted him to act. She treated her creation like she had Taurus and always used it to remind Justice of his faults. Another punishment for his murder."

"Why did Hera enjoy Taurus so much?" I inquired, leaning forward. "I've never known her to like any demigods or gods the way she apparently did Taurus."

A shrug was Poseidon's answer. "Again, you'll have to ask Hera to get the full story."

I nodded. "And what was that thing in the forest, when Justice said all those weird things and his curse disappeared?"

Poseidon jerked upright. "So she's done it."

The seat I was on nearly tipped over as I leaned forward all the more. "What? What's she done?"

When Poseidon's eyes met mine, I knew be was about to say something significant. "For the first time in years, Hera has decided to forgive a wrongdoing."

"What?" The legs of my chair banged as I sat back. "You mean she's forgiving Justice?"

"That's exactly what I mean," Dad said. "She said that if Justice promised to right his wrong, she would start lifting the curse. I guess that started with what you saw in the woods."

"Wow," I breathed.

"Exactly," Dad agreed. He continued answering my questions. "Reyna doesn't know about him. Justice agreed with the Olympians that it would be best to lead a normal life for now. Get a nice girlfriend, some nice friends, a nice family."

"I suppose that's best," I smiled wanly, but I knew I was lying to myself. "Last question, Dad."

"What is it?"

"Who are Justice's parents?"

Poseidon leaned back. "That I won't reveal unless Justice or the gods decide to tell you. They need to let you know in their own time."

I nodded. It was the answer I had expected. "Okay. I need to get back to camp, Dad; lots to do. I'll be back later."

Poseidon smiled. "I love you, Perseus."

My gaze held his for an instant. "And I you."


It turned out that my new ride was Rainbow, Tyson's old hippocampus friend. The horse-fish carried me back up to the surface and deposited me, dry as usual, on the shore.

"Thank you, Rainbow."

The hippocampus whinnied and back flipped into the water.

I had something to do. I asked around camp, searching for some Camp Jupiter kid who could lead me to Bryson or Reyna. It ended up being Frank who led me to them.

As soon as I saw Bryson in the pavilion, laughing and chatting with his girlfriend, I steeled myself for what was about to happen.

Clenching my fists, I strode forward and slammed my hands down on the table where Bryson sat. He started and stared at me, silver-green eyes wide.

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